- 論文の詳細を見る
The resistant F_1 progenies of strawberry (Fragarla × ananassa Duch.) that were inoculated with anthracnose during the young seedling stage were compared with non-inoculated seedlings for fruit quality and earliness. The progenies were derived from the cross between susceptible 'Nyoho' and resistant 'Hokowase'. The inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings had similar mean values and variations in the fresh weight and firmness of fruits, Brix values, acidity, soluble solid/acid ratios, color of fruit juice, L*, a* and b* values of fruit skin color, and a similar distribution in the dates of flower-bud emergence. The results indicate that there are no correlations between resistance to anthracnose and a) traits of fruit quality and b) earliness of strawberry. Thus, screening for anthracnose resistance in the young seedlings may not lead to discarding germplasm with high fruit quality and an early flowering trait.
- 園芸学会の論文
- 2003-01-15
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