地方中規模病院におけるクリニカルファーマシーの積極的活動 (第1報) : 薬歴を兼ねた入院処方録
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In a small local hospital, we have been positively trying to establish firmly our activity as clinical pharmacists. Our objectives have focused on two points: the one was managing with limitted manpower, and the other was keeping as long time as possible for interviewing inpatients. The past prescription records for inpatients were modified and used as medication histories, when inpatients were given mediational instructions. Our research revealed that the time it took to complete the medication histories was reduced, and our clinical pharmacy activity could be introduced to our hospital as a routine job without requiring any additional manpower. Also much longer time could be allocated to interviewing inpatients, making possible more efficient medicational instructions.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1994-06-20
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- 地方中規模病院におけるクリニカルファーマシーの積極的活動 (第1報) : 薬歴を兼ねた入院処方録
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