土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第3報) : モンモリロナイト系
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The aspects of phosphate fixation in pure chemical solution was covered in the previous paper of this series. The present paper dealt with the interaction between H_3P0_4 and montmollironite clays at various pH values. the minerals studied were TUYAMA-, ARIMA (pink)-, and ARIMA (yellow)-bentonites. The methods used for studying phosphate fixation were similar as those reported in the preceding papers and briefly are as follows : Five grams of mineral was mixed with 90ml of N/120 H_3P0_4 and adequate NaOH or HCl to adjust pH values. The mixture was incubated at 30℃ for 5days with occational shaking. The pH value of the mixture was determined with glass electrode and then the mineral was centrifuged, and the fixed phosphate was obtained from the difference between the amount of added phosphorus and that left in solution. The phosphorus determination was carried out by the Sherman's sulfonic acid method. As preliminary treatments the sample minerals were a) ground to pass a 100mesh sieve by means of a porcelain mortar and pestle ("ground Natural-clay"), b) suspended to pass a 0.25 mm sieve without grinding ("unground Natural-clay"), c) leached with 0.2N HCl("unground Hydrogen clay"), and d) leached with 0.2N HCl after grinding ("ground Hydrogen-clay "). The results obtained were as follows : 1) The interaction between H_3P0_4 and bentonites took place rapidly and reached equilibrium within a few days. 2) The lower the amount of phosphorus added, the higher the phosphorus fixation ratio, whereas, the amount of fixation was lower. 3) The pH range where the peak had appeared tended to shift towards alkaline side with decreasing phosphate concentration. 4) The grinding of bentonite exerted no influence upon the type of phosphate fixation. 5) A comparison between the fixation curves of the natural bentonite and the 0.2N HCl leached bentonite showed the fact that in the natural bentonite only one peak occurred at pH3,while in the leached bentonite besides the high peak at pH 3,and there was another peak at pH 6. It was assumed from the present experiment in some detail that these two peaks appeared at pH values of 3 and 6 were probably due to iron and aluminium, respectively. 6) Moreover, the retention of phosphate increased again at pH above 9,when the natural bentonite was used. On the other hand, in the leached bentonite there was no increase above pH 9. This increase in the alkaline range was possibly regarded as due to the presence of calcium ion. 7) ARIMA (yellow)-bentonite in natural state had shown alreadly two peaks at pH 3 and 6,before the treatment by 0.2N HCl leaching, hence this mineral was much more rich in exchangeable aluminium ion than the other clay minerals employed.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1956-07-05
- 24.土壌燐酸の固定化とその有効化に関する研究(第10報) : 土壌Pの分布につて
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第7報) : 燐酸の吸収と土壌の諸性質との関係
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第6報) : 粘土鉱物に固定されたPの形態
- 207.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第9報) : 地質別土壌の性質と固定との関係(1)(土壌化学-土壌無機・土壌有機成分)(秋季臨時大会講演要旨)
- 兵庫県下の地質別土壤の燐酸固定について
- 15.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第8報) : 固定Pの形態(中部・関西支部合同講演会講演要旨)
- 7.兵庫県下の牧野土壌について(中部・関西支部合同講演会講演要旨)
- 153.カンボジア国土壌の調査研究(土壌の生成分類および調査)
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第5報) : カオリナイト系
- 19.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第7報) : ベントナイトによる固定曲線の検討(関西支部講演会講演要旨)
- 兵庫県下の牧野土壌について
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第4報) : Bentoniteによる固定曲線の解析
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第3報) : モンモリロナイト系
- 5.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究 : Montmorillonite-N/(120)H_3PO_4系(第6報)(関西支部講演会)
- 土壤燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第5報) : 粘土鉱物系に於ける研究(II)(関西支部春季例会講演)
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- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第2報) : 純系に於ける基礎研究(その2) : Al と P の反応並に Fe-P 系と Al-P 系の比較検討
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第1報) : 純系に於ける基礎研究(その一) : Fe と P の反応
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- 3-7 有機試薬と粘土鉱物との水素結合に関する基礎的研究(3.土壌鉱物および膠質複合体)
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- 2-30 土壌粒団の安定性に関与する成分について(2.土壌有機および無機成分)
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- 208.アルカリおよび中性抽出剤による腐植酸の抽出について(土壌化学-土壌無機・土壌有機成分)(秋季臨時大会講演要旨)
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- 18.ペーパークロマトグラフイによる各種形状腐植酸の特性(関西支部講演会講演要旨)
- ペーパークロマトグラフィー並びに色調係数による各腐植酸の識別(第2報)
- 55.ペーパークロマトグラフイーならびに色調保数による腐植酸の特性化
- 6.各種有機物料による腐植の生成とその条件について(関西支部講演会)
- 近畿地区栗栽培地の現地調査(関西支部講演会)
- 鉄及び礬上による燐酸固定について(関西支部講演会)