滬紙クロマトグラフイーの土壌分析への応用(第1報) : Fe, Al, P の迅速定量に関する研究
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In Paper chromatographic procedures for mixtures including both cations and anions, it has already been found that mutual interference between cations and anions takes place in their movement on the chromatogram. H. T. GORDON et al. have pointed out that polyvalent anions exert an unfavorable influence upon the movement of cations on the paper. Unfortunately, any appropriate technique for arrest of such interactions has not yet been ascertained. Since the total amount of anions in hot HCl-extracts of common soils is much less than that of cations, it can be expected that even if a soil extract is applied on a paper without prior separation of both ions from one another, the interference between cations and anions may be minimized by means of certain modifications of the chromatographic procedure. The present investigation was therefore undertaken to determine the effect of HCl-concentration in the developer which consists of 1 vol. HCl versus 9 vol. acetone, the time required for developing Rf-values, the degree tailings, and the separabilities of Fe, Al and P in their mixtures. From the experiment with soil extracts it was conclusive1y found that the most favorable condition, to prevent the interference and to promote the separation, was of the concentration of 8N HCl in the developer and of 4 hrs. for developing. Under those conditions, Rf-values of various elements involved were 0.94 for Fe, 0.01 for Al, 0.58 for P, 0.36 for Mn, 0.67 for Cu, 0 for Mg, 0 for Ca. 0 for K, and 0.5 for Si, respectively. Percentage errors of the values obtained by this procedure from soil extracts were -14 to +26% for Fe. -19 to + 27% for Al, and -34 to +2% for P in the case of the direct method which estimates visually on colored chromatogram, while -3 to +9 % for Fe, -10 to +12% for Al, and much more for P in the indirect method which determines colorimetrically after extraction of spot parts on chromatogram. From above results it was confirmed that this procedure was suitable for the determination of Fe and Al, except P, in soil extracts. The outline of the method, recommended here, is as follows : Extract 25 g soil with 75 ml HCl according to ordinal method, decompose organic materials in the extract by addition of HNO_3,and evaporate to dryness. Dissolve the residue without silica separation into 10 ml HCI and make up to 250 ml with water (original solution). In the case of direct method, dilute an aliquot of the original solution to 20-fold volumes. Apply 2/100ml of this dilution for Fe, 1/100ml for Al, while 1/100ml of the original solution for P. Then make chromatogram for 4 hrs. by the developer containing 8 N HCl acetone, 1 : 9 in vol., developing the color of each element in order to be compared visually with color standards. On the other hand, in the case of indirect method, prepare three paperstrips applied to each 2/100 ml of the original solution, and develop the color together in one tube under the same condition as above described. At first, develop the color for each element on one of them. Refering the position of color on one of the three strips, each element is extracted from two other strips by dil. HCl. In this extract, determine the content of each element by means of colorimetry.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1956-03-05
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