土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第2報) : 純系に於ける基礎研究(その2) : Al と P の反応並に Fe-P 系と Al-P 系の比較検討
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Al-P system The present paper dealts with the interaction between H_3PO_4 and AlCl_3 solutions varying their concentration and proportion at different pH values. The experimental conditions and procedures except using AlCl_3 as an Al source are quite similar to those of Fe-P system in previous paper. Results obtained this time were as follows : (1) Fixation curve of P in Al-P system was substantially in agreement with that of Fe-P system in its shape. However, fixation of P took place at higher pH range, from about 3 to 10,compared to range of the Fe-P system. (2) Optimum pH range of P-fixation was affected by P/Al ratio of the system; and the lower the ratio, viz., the higher percentage of Al was, the higher the pH of range was. (Fig. 1). (3) Complete fixation of P was observed only in the series where P/Al ratio was less than unity. Therefore, when P/Al ratio of the system was above unity, viz., when added P in the system was present equivalently or excessively to Al, P was not so much fixed as 100 per cent; concequently some portion of P remained in a soluble form. For instance, the percentages of fixed P in each series, P/Al ratio of which being 2,1 and below 0.5,were 50,80 and 100,respectively (Tab.1). (4) The pH range of complete fixation (retention) of Al coincided with that of the maximum fixation of P, but it was shifted to higher pH values with decrease of P/Al ratio of the system (Tab. 2 and Fig. 2). Comparison of Fe-P system with Al-P system. (1) Being added in the both systems P was fixed by Fe or Al at all pH zones except alkaline and strong acidic reactions; and its maximum fixation took place at several pH value according to conditions namely, the pH value varied with P/Al or P/Fe ratio of the system; the lower the ratio was the more the pH was shifted to higher value. (2) In the both systems the percentage of the P-fixation decreased with increase of P/Fe or P/Al ratio of the system, and no difference was between the both systems in their decreasing manners. (3) Fixation of total P was completed only in the series, when P/Al or P/Fe ratio was less than one equivalent (Tab. 3). (4) However, the pH zone which caused the maximum fixation of P was of higher value in the Al-P system than in the Fe-P system (Tab. 3). (5) SWENSON has recently noted that Fe- or Al-compounds of P formed in the pH range of 2 to 7 should be basic Fe- or Al-phosphate formulating Fe(H_2O)_3(OH)_2・H_2PO_4 or Al(H_2O)_2・H_2PO_4. From this point of view, the conclusions were obtained with precipitated products in the following way. (Tab. 4). Only in the series, P/Fe or P/Al ratio of which being 2,all the preciptates were produced in such a form as the above mentioned. With further lowering of the ratio below unity, basic Fe- or Al-phosphate decreased in the precipitates and hydroxides of iron and aluminum increased. Though all of retained P in the series whose P/Fe or P/Al ratio was 2 was in the form of basic Fe- or Al-phoshate, the proportion of the phosphate present in the precipitates was only one half of added P; while remaining half portion was in a soluble state for depletion of Fe or Al. On the other hand, when the above described ratio was below unity, all of added P was fixed as basic Fe- or Al-phosphate. (6) The retention curve of Fe was nearly identical with that of Al, aside from the following two points pointed out as a discrepancy : a) The solubility of Fe which was raised once at a weak alkaline reaction started to be again suppressed with further advance of pH value, and finally all of Fe flocculated. Contrarily, in the Al-P system, such a phenomenon has not been found as to Al, because of the fact that Al enters into solution depending upon the formation of aluminate at an alkaline reaction. In short, the point of this temporal solubility reduction of Fe at a weak alkaline reaction in the Fe-P system was correspondent to a point of inter section of the solubility curve of basic Fe-phosphate with the formation curve of ferric hydroxide. The degree of such a temporal dissolution of Fe was in proportion to P/Fe ratio of the system. b) The pH range where Fe was fixed as basic phosphate was somewhat lower that of Al.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1953-09-01
- 24.土壌燐酸の固定化とその有効化に関する研究(第10報) : 土壌Pの分布につて
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第7報) : 燐酸の吸収と土壌の諸性質との関係
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第6報) : 粘土鉱物に固定されたPの形態
- 207.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第9報) : 地質別土壌の性質と固定との関係(1)(土壌化学-土壌無機・土壌有機成分)(秋季臨時大会講演要旨)
- 兵庫県下の地質別土壤の燐酸固定について
- 15.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第8報) : 固定Pの形態(中部・関西支部合同講演会講演要旨)
- 7.兵庫県下の牧野土壌について(中部・関西支部合同講演会講演要旨)
- 153.カンボジア国土壌の調査研究(土壌の生成分類および調査)
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第5報) : カオリナイト系
- 19.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第7報) : ベントナイトによる固定曲線の検討(関西支部講演会講演要旨)
- 兵庫県下の牧野土壌について
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第4報) : Bentoniteによる固定曲線の解析
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第3報) : モンモリロナイト系
- 5.土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究 : Montmorillonite-N/(120)H_3PO_4系(第6報)(関西支部講演会)
- 土壤燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第5報) : 粘土鉱物系に於ける研究(II)(関西支部春季例会講演)
- 副産鉄粉の秋落田に対する影響
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第2報) : 純系に於ける基礎研究(その2) : Al と P の反応並に Fe-P 系と Al-P 系の比較検討
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第1報) : 純系に於ける基礎研究(その一) : Fe と P の反応
- 副産鉄粉の秋落田に於ける効果(関西支部講演会(1))
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第3報) : 純系に於ける研究II.P-Al系(日本土壌肥料学会秋季大会講演要旨)
- 3-7 有機試薬と粘土鉱物との水素結合に関する基礎的研究(3.土壌鉱物および膠質複合体)
- 1-10 合成粒団の形成に及ぼす接着物質の作用(1.土壌物理)
- 1-18 土壌粒団の安定性に関する研究 : 結合物質の溶出にともなう粒団の崩壊について(1.土壌物理)
- 2-30 土壌粒団の安定性に関与する成分について(2.土壌有機および無機成分)
- 1A・10 土壌の団粒構造と土壌成分との相互関係について
- 3A・5 土壌有機・無機成分の赤外線吸収ならびに示差熱曲線について(土壌化学 : 土壌有機成分)
- 1B・3 土壌中の糖およびウロン酸について(土壌化学(土壌有機成分・土壌無機成分))
- 2A6 土壌集合体の形成に関与する土壌有機成分について(土壌化学(有機土壌有機成分))
- 119.土壌粒子の大きさと腐植化度の相互関係について(予報)(土壌有機成分・土壌鉱物および膠質複合体)
- 水稲に及ぼす砒素の害について(関西支部講演会(1))
- 81.犯罪捜査に使用する土壌鑑定法に関する研究 : pH測定法(秋季臨時大会講演要旨)
- 濾紙クロマトグラフィーの土壌分析への応用(第3報) : K, Naの定量
- 12.ペーパークロマトグラフィーの土壌分析への応用(第4報) : K.Naの定量(関西支部講演会講演要旨)
- 11.ペーパークロマトグラフィーの土壌分析への応用(第3報) : 高周波装置の検討(関西支部講演会講演要旨)
- 滬紙クロマトグラフイーの土壌分析への応用(第1報) : Fe, Al, P の迅速定量に関する研究
- ペーパークロマトグラフイーの土壤分析への応用(第二報)(関西支部講演会)
- 水稲の好アンモニア性に附する研究 : (第1報)幼植物に於ける研究(第22回日本農学大会部会講演要旨(I))
- 水稲の好アムモニア性に関する研究(第三報) : アムモニア態並びに硝酸態窒素の吸収(その1)(関西支部講演会(1))
- 土壌燐酸の固定とその有効化に関する研究(第2報) : 純系に於ける研究(その2)(第22回日本農学大会部会講演要旨(II))
- 208.アルカリおよび中性抽出剤による腐植酸の抽出について(土壌化学-土壌無機・土壌有機成分)(秋季臨時大会講演要旨)
- 11.腐植酸の酸化抵杭性と吸光能および成分とそれらの関係について(関西支部講演会講演要旨)
- 18.ペーパークロマトグラフイによる各種形状腐植酸の特性(関西支部講演会講演要旨)
- ペーパークロマトグラフィー並びに色調係数による各腐植酸の識別(第2報)
- 55.ペーパークロマトグラフイーならびに色調保数による腐植酸の特性化
- 6.各種有機物料による腐植の生成とその条件について(関西支部講演会)
- 近畿地区栗栽培地の現地調査(関西支部講演会)
- 鉄及び礬上による燐酸固定について(関西支部講演会)