117 茶樹の冬芽の休眠に関する研究
- 茶園の被覆による摘採期間の延長
- 生育調節物質による茶の発芽抑制が凍霜害の回避に及ぼす効果
- 薬剤による茶樹の寒干害防止法
- 茶樹の花芽分化に関する研究 : 第2報 気温・日長・日射量の影響について (第127回 講演会)
- 117 茶樹の冬芽の休眠に関する研究
- 茶園における蒸発散量の日変化と季節変化
- 傾斜地茶園造成の実態とその環境保全的解析
- Report of the Survey on the Dehydrate Injury of Tea Field in Kyushu and Shikoku District
- Studies on the Extension of Tea Plucking Period by the Plant Growth Regulator (Part 2):On the Effect of Retarded Plucking Period upon the Yield and Qualities of Tea in Each Season
- Studies on Increasing of Frost Hardiness to the Tea Shoots
- Studies on the Extension of Tea Plucking Periods by the Plant Growth Regulator (Part 3):A Controlling Plan of the Tea Plucking Periods in a Year
- The Observation of Growing Cycle on the Part of Upper and Under Ground of the Tea Plant Using the Mist Box Culture
- Reference of the Cover Material for Frost Protection in the Tea Field
- The Difference of Frost Hardiness on Each Organ of Tea Plant in Several Times of Winter