- 論文の詳細を見る
Ultra-thin sections of root nodule of Glycine max infected with Rhizobium Japonicum were investigated by means of an electron microscope. Materials were fixed in buffered glutaraldehyde and post fixation was done by osmium tetroxide. In the initial phase of infection, bacteria were embedded in low dense material and were surrounded with plant cell wall. Cellulose layers infected by bacteria were thicker than the original plant cell wall, and the cellulose layer became gradually thin toward the tip of the infection thread. Bacteria after released from infection thread were surrounded by the membrane which might be derived from the host cell membrane, and this enclosing membrane remaind around the bacterial bodies after the host cytoplasm was broken down. Compact cytoplasm, nuclei, Golgi bodies and mitochondria were found in young nodule cells, and peripheral tissues in nodule contained many amyloplasts. Needle-like structures were obseved in vacuole of nodule cells, although their charactors were not yet clearly understood. Bacteria in nodule cell were rod-shaped, and had nuclear region with microfibrils. Electron-dense bodies were observed in nuclear region. In both ends of nodule bacteria, electron translucent parts were recognized.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1967-12-10
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