傾斜畑の土壌保全に関する研究 : II. そ菜類およびその他作物の等高線栽培と作畦法の差による土壌保全の効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated the effect of soil management and ridging methods by cultivating the variouskinds of vegetables and other crops, and stripped division methods of grass on soil conservation in the years of 1959-61 on the hillside farm. The results obtained are summarized as follows; (1) The vertical ridged cultivation promoted the soil erosion. On the other hand, the horizontal ridged cultivation preserved the soil conservation. Furthermore, to expect the better effect in cultivating the vegetable crops which have less capacity to cover the ground, we must adopt a combination of horizontal ridged method, straw mutching and covering crops. (2) The cross stipped ridging method is more effective than any others. In case of the "V" formed ridge that has an angle over 90°, the result is as satisfactory as that of the horizontal ridged method. (3) In the stripped division method of grass, the narrower the strips are, the more remarkable the effect is.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1964-07-30
吉岡 昌二郎
植田 精一
山梨県農業試験場 八ケ岳分場
清水 定延
山梨県農業試験場 八ケ岳分場
植田 精一
清水 定延
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