傾斜畑の土壤保全に関する研究 : I. 各種作物の栽培法と土壤保全効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
Surface runoff and soil erosion were measured at every rainfall on the experimental flames (2m×10m) of slope 9°〜13°, where 11 kinds of crops were contour-cultivated during April to December in 1959. Cultivating each crop on four flames, runoff and erosion were examined at the typical four rain falls and for whole seasons. Although extent of erosion varied with type of rainfalls and culural method, it was found that increased times of soil-hilling, straw-mulching and mix-cropping are effective to prevent erosion, creeping soybean and ladino clover were especially effective. In general, the covering degree of about 70% may be sufncient enough, because 90% of erosion can be prevented by this degree of covering. Because of a severe erosion on the bare land, the suitable mix-cropping or cover-cropping should be adopted during the inter-season of main crops.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1961-01-20
吉岡 昌二郎
小林 政明
山梨県農業試験場 八ケ岳分場
植田 精一
山梨県農業試験場 八ケ岳分場
清水 定延
山梨県農業試験場 八ケ岳分場
植田 精一
清水 定延
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