- 論文の詳細を見る
1) For the purpose of protecting rice plants from a cold irrigation water damage at the entrance of a water way in a paddy field, a dispersed irrigation method with wheat straw bundles was devised and studied. 2) The dispersed irrigation method with wheat straw bundles was arranged as follows; wheat straw bundles which was some 10 cm in diameter were fixed to the surface of a paddy field, making a row with them along a levee, and setting its row inside at 30 cm apart from a levee. As the results, the irrigation water, through the wheat straw bundles, ran slowly into a paddy-field. 3) By using this irrigation method, the irrigation water temperature could be raised bringing about the better growth and ripeness, and higher yield of rice plants.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1959-09-01
- 傾斜畑の土壤保全に関する研究 : I. 各種作物の栽培法と土壤保全効果
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- 52.燕麦品種ならびに混播による播種期 : とくに準高冷地を中心として(日本草地研究会第3回研究発表会講演要旨)
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- 27.八ケ岳山麓における荒廃牧野復旧について(日本草地研究会第2回研究発表会講演要旨)