イネおよびノビエの青刈飼料化に関する研究 : 第1報 水稲の青刈と実取の兼用栽培および青刈専用栽培
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For the purpose of using rice plants as fodder, they were grown by direct sowing method. On May 21, 1962 the seeds, 1.2 kg per are, were drilled with 21 cm of distance between rows. In the test for obtaining fodder and also grains, which depend upon the regrowth after clipping, three varieties, "Towada", "Ginmasari" and "Kusabue" were used. Clipping was made on July 12 at the height of 5 and 10 cm or July 21 at the height of 5, 10 and 15 cm on heavily fertilized plot (2.6 kg of each of three major elements were applied per are), and at 5 cm height on standard fertilized plot (1.3 kg for three elements). In the second test for obtaining fodder alone, "Tetep" (Indica variety) was grown, and the first clipping was done on July 12 or July 21 at 5 and 10 cm height, followed by the second clipping on August 27 at 5 cm height, being fertilized with 2.6 kg each of three elements per are. In the former test, yield of fodder, in general, showed a reverse relation to the yield of grain. Considering from the yield of both fodder and grain, clipping at 10 cm height on July 21 on heavily fertilized plot showed the best result, giving about 190 kg of fodder fresh weight and about 50 kg of brown rice per are in average of three varieties used. The result indicates that clipping at about 10 cm height on rather later date, without removing the growing points of the plants which have already produced a large number of tillers by dense sowing and heavy manuring, will give better yield both of fodder and grain. In the second test the best regrowth was obtained with 10 cm height clipping, regardless of the date of clipping, and which resulted in the greatest production at the second clipping. Consequently the total production was the greatest, reaching about 650 kg fresh weight per are. Because almost nothing has hitherto been known about such methods of using rice plant as fodder, further studies as to the varieties, degree of sowing density and manuring as well as the time of clipping are required in future.
- 1963-12-30
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