作物の登熟機構に関する細胞生理的研究 : (I) フォスフォリラーセの組織化学的検出法並びに作物体内に於ける分布について
- 論文の詳細を見る
I. Localization and activity of phosphorylase in rice plant. Higher activity of phosphorylase was found in the tissues of the stem (especially at nodes), the leaf, the neck of ear and the arista in rice plant. The localization of phosphorylase was proved to coincide with that of natural starch synthesis, except in the embryo of an early stage of germination. Therefore, phosphorylase seems to be closely connected with the synthesis of starch. II. Histochemical demonstration of phosphorylase in the cells with high amylase activity. No starch was found in the natural wheat leaf. However, when the amylase activity was inhibited artificially with mercuric chloride and pH was made suitable for phosphorylase activity, starch was formed by the action of phosphorylase in the tissue of the wheat leaf. Therefore, the reason why starch is not synthetized in the natural leaves of wheat seemed to be due to the high amylase activity and inadequate value of pH for phosphorylase activity. In order to make histochemical demonstration of phosphorylase in the cell of high amylase activiy, mercuric chloride must be added in suitable concentration for inhibition of amylase activity. The optimum concentration of mercuric chloride was found to be M/100,000 in the leaves of wheat (var. Saitama No. 27 and Norin No. 50).
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1955-07-20
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