ベニバナ(Carthamus tinctorius L.)における土壌水分欠乏が種子収量および収量構成要素に及ぼす影響
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This study was conducted to determine the effects of soil water deficit on the seed yield and the yield components of safflower plants. Four plants were grown in a 1/200O a Wagner pot containing soil, chemical fertilizer and compost. Ample amount of water was supplied before the completion of differentiation of an lateral buds (May 27). After this stage, water was supplied to reach a level of 90%, 60% or 40% of the maximum water-holding capacity of the soil, twice a day. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Water deficit treatments inhibited the internode elongation of the main stem, resulting in a short main stem, and inhibited strongly the growth of lateral buds at the lower nodes (Table 1). 2. The number of leaves, number of bracts and total number of leaves and bracts in the main stem were not affected by soil water deficit. In the uppermost branch, reduction in the soil water content did not affect the total number of leaves and bracts, but the number of leaves decreased, though not significantly, and the number of bracts increased in the 40% plot (Table 2). 3. Soil water deficit decreased significantly the mean area of leaf and bract and the total area of leaves and bracts of the plant (Table 3). 4. Soil water deficit at a level of 40% of the maximum water-holding capacity of the soil delayed the flowering of the heads of the uppermost branches, while no effects were observed on the flowering of the head of the main stem (Table 4). 5. The number of seeds and seed yield (dry weight) per plant were considerably decreased by soil water deficit, whereas the number of florets, percentage of ripened seeds, number of seeds and seed dry weight per head were not affected (Table 6). It was evident that the decrease in seed yield per plant was caused by the decrease in the number of heads per plant, which resulted from the decrease in the number of branches. It was also shown that water deficit inhibited more strongly the development of branches, leaves and bracts than the ripening of the seeds (Table 5).
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1985-12-05
- 〈総説〉食育を巡る研究と大学附属農場の現状および展望
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- 62 ソバのアレロパシー : 第2報 サンドイッチ法によるアレロパシー活性の評価
- 61 ソバのアレロパシー : 第1報 プラントボックス法によるアレロパシー活性の評価
- ソバのアレロパシー : 第2報 サンドイッチ法によるアレロパシー活性の評価
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- ベニバナ (Carthamus tinctorius L.) における種子収量および収量構成要素に対する葉および苞の寄与
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- 45 ベニバナにおける土壌水分欠乏が側枝の発育および種子収量に及ぼす影響
- 92 日長がベニバナの生育及び開花期に及ぼす影響
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- 135 日長が生態型の異なるソバ品種の生育に及ぼす影響
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