遮光処理がてん菜品種の葉部および根部の生育, 糖分蓄積におよぼす影響
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In order to evaluate the influence of light intensity on the growth of leaf and root in sugar beet varieties, six varieties grown in the field were subjected to shading treatment by cheesecloth at three growing stages (early, middle, and late) as shown in Fig. 1. The results obtained were as follows : 1) The shading at early and middle growing stages brought about the increase in length of leaf, blade and petiole, but the decrease in blade width. These facts suggested that the shading caused the elongation of leaf, which was quite similar to the phenomenon as was often the case with the dense planting. 2) Since root length expressed the length of the noticeable thickened part of the tap root, the larger root length was regarded as the prosperous thickening growth of the lower part of root. The root diameter in individual beet representing the largest diameter of a root will be the yardstick of the thickening growth of the upper part of root. The shading treatments at early and middle growing stages suppressed the thickening growth of the whole root, and the influences of shading were more conspicuous at the lower part of root. However, the interruption of the treatments promoted the thickening growth of this part, and consequently at the end of season the root shape of the treated plant did not show any marked difference as compared with the control. 3) The shading treatment at the early growing stage caused the suppression of the increase in weight of root and leaf, and especially root weight decreased remarkably. After the interruption of the shading, leaf weight was promptly recovered at middle growing stage and it became larger than that of control. These inclinations were marked in varieties such as AJ 4 and Tsukisappu (errect plant type). The shading at middle growing stage caused the increase in leaf weight, but the differences of the increase due to the plant types were not oflserved. 4) The yield type varieties in which leaf weight showed the marked increase by the shading treatment had the lower sugar content at the end of season than that of control. 5) The shading at the late growing stage caused the decrease in sugar content. But the influences on the sugar type varieties (Hon-Iku No. 401 and AJ 4) were not so conspicuous. 6) It was pointed out that the residual effects of the shading such as over-luxuriant growth of leaf and the decline in photosynthetic capacity in shade leaf produced by shading hindered the growth of root.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1973-03-28
- てん菜品種における生理学的、形態学的諸特性に関する統計学的解析 : 諸形質問の関連性の分析への主成分分析応用に関する基礎的研究
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- 遮光処理がてん菜品種の葉部および根部の生育, 糖分蓄積におよぼす影響
- 21. てん菜品種における生理学的、形態学的諸特性に関する統計学的解析 : XIII 糖分および根重選抜が諸形質間の関連性に及ぼす影響(I 年次講演会要旨,昭和47年度 年次、月例講演会およびシンポジウム要旨)
- 20. てん菜品種における生理学的、形態学的諸特性に関する統計学的解析 : XII、2倍体品種と倍数体品種における諸形質間の関連性の比較(I 年次講演会要旨,昭和47年度 年次、月例講演会およびシンポジウム要旨)
- てん菜品種における生理学的,形態学的諸特性に関する統計学的解析 主成分分析ならびにグループ主軸法応用による倍数体および2倍体品種における各形質の関連性の比較
- 3. てん菜品種の生理学的、形態学的諸特性に関する統計学的解析 : IX. 遮光処理における各品種の反応(I 年次講演会要旨)
- てん菜品種における生理学的,形態学的諸特性に関する統計学的解析 品種分類への主成分分析適用に関する基礎的研究
- 16. てん菜品種における生理、形態的諸特性に関する統計的解析 : VII 出葉数、葉部Size、根重、糖分との関連について(I 年次講演会要旨)
- てん菜品種における形質間相関(昭和42年度談話会年次講演会講演要旨)
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- てん菜の自家不稔性におよぼす遮光処理の影響について
- 甜菜品種育成に於ける選抜法について,1 : 個体選抜法(昭和35年度年次講演会講演要旨集)
- 甜菜導入2号の雄性不稔形質とその利用について(昭和35年度年次講演会講演要旨集)
- てん菜の母系選抜に於ける等確率偏差楕円の適用について(昭和34年度年次講演会講演要旨集)
- てん菜品種における生理学的、形態学的諸特性に関する統計学的解析 : IV 異なる環境条件下における葉部形態形成に関する考察(昭和44年度談話会年次講演会講演要旨,昭和44年度年次、月例講演会およびシンポジウム要旨)
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