ダイオキシンの継世代催奇性 : 第10回公開シンポジウム : 内分泌撹乱物質の作用機序と後世代影響 : 環境変異原研究との接点
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Epidemiological studies in USA on the reproductive outcomes of Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange, a mixture of herbicide contaminated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) , have shown no clear evidence for an association between herbicidal exposure and the risk of fathering babies with congenital defects. Similarly, experimental evidence for male-mediated teratogenicity of dioxin is not clear at present. On the other hand, reliable negative data are available for dioxin clas-togenicity in human spermatozoa in vitro and the clastogenicity and DNA-damaging effect in germ cells of male mice. However, germ-cell degradation has been reported in male mice exposed to dioxin, and this has been verified to occur as a consequent of Sertoli cell injury. These results and other relevant data are reviewed and discussed. Finally, need for further accumulation of animal data is pointed out so that a final conclusion on the genetic hazard of dioxin can be achieved. (This paper, chaired by Kiyomi Kikukawa, was presented to the 10th JEMS Annual Symposium, "Endocrine Disruptor Mechanism and Posterity Effects-Concern with Environmental Mutagen Research", organized by Kiyomi Kikukawa, Tohru Shibuya, and Kazuo Fujikawa, sponsored by the Environmental Mutagen Society of Japan, and held at The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Nagai Memorial Hall, May 28, 1999.)
- 日本環境変異原学会の論文
- 1999-10-29
- Comparative Susceptibility of a Wild Derived Strain of Mus musculus molossinus and Laboratory Mice to Teratogenesis by Ethylnitrosourea
- P-072 紫外線およびX線による変異原性とアポトーシス誘発の関係
- O2-05 幹細胞突然変異の放射線による誘発と線量率効果 : マウスDLbテストによる検討
- 雄マウスの変異原処理によるF_1奇形と自然発生奇形
- Modified Susceptibility to Teratogenesis in the Offspring of Male Mice Exposed to Mutagens
- Frequency and Type of Malformations in the Offspring of C57BL/6 Male Mice Treated with Ethylnitrosourea
- Resistance of Murine Fetuses to Mutation Induction by X-rays at the Dlb-1 Locus in the Small Intestine
- The RBE of fast neutrons for induction of apoptosis in murine thymus is 4
- Radiation hormesis and teratogenesis in soybean
- Radiation-induced apoptosis in embryos of Drosophila
- D2-06 放射線照射によるイエギクの突然変異の実例と教材化
- D2-05 カイワレダイコンの発芽種子の成長に及ぼすX線照射の影響
- P068 マウス小腸幹細胞におけるDlb-1座のX線によって誘発される突然変異の持続性及び蓄積性(ポスターセッション)
- Dose and Dose-rate Effects of X rays and Fission Neutrons on Lymphocyte Apoptosis in p53(+/+) and p53(-/-) Mice
- ダイオキシンの継世代催奇性 : 第10回公開シンポジウム : 内分泌撹乱物質の作用機序と後世代影響 : 環境変異原研究との接点
- 放射線奇形の分子機構研究のためのショウジョウバエ実験系の開発
- ショウジョウバエ卵母細胞のガス環境と染色体不分離