蛍光 X 線分析法による高合金鋼中の微量成分分析(機器分析)(<特集>分析評価・解析)
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The X-ray fluorescence method was examined for determination of trace elements in high-alloy steels. Background intensities of XRF were varied with chemical composition of steel. This variance was caused by the absorption and enhancement effects of coexistent elements to background X-ray. In elements which have rather large atomic number, the background X-ray was found to be mainly composed of the compton scattered X-ray of the primary X-ray. In these elements the factor of interelement effect on background intensity was considered same as that in true fluorescent X-ray intensity from the sample. Thus the correction equation of interelement effect was shown below W_i=X_i(1+Σd_<ij>W_j)-Σ(l_<ij>+b・d_<ij>)W_j where W_i and X_i are corrected and uncorrected values of element i, b is the constant in calibration equation (X_i=aI+b), l_<ij> is the correction factor for spectral overlap, d_<ij> is the correction factor for interelement absorption effect and W_j is the content of coexistent element j. The validity of this equation was confirmed by experiments. The application of this correction equation improved accuracies in determination of Sn, Sb, Zr and Pb. The value of accuracy (σd=√<(Σd^2)/(n-1)>) was decreased to 1/2∿1/7 in comparison with the conventional method.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1991-11-01
辻 猛志
秋吉 孝則
秋吉 孝則
松丸 直人
杉本 和巨
杉本 和巨
塚田 鋼二
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