B_2O_3 基 2 成分酸化物融体の粘度ならびに溶融塩の粘性特性
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A clear understanding of characteristic features of molten salts requires quantitative discussions on their network structures. From this point of view, viscosities of pure molten borate and borate-base binary oxides, in which network structures would be formed, have been measured by using an oscillating-plate viscometer. Furthermore, characteristic features of viscosity of molten salts have been discussed on the basis of model theories. The results obtained are as follows : (1) Viscosities of molten B_2O_3 are expressed in the following non-Arrhenius equation : μ=0.103 exp(5.17×10^7/RT^2) (in Pa・s) (2) As compared with the viscosities of molten B_2O_3, the viscosities of molten B_2O_3-2mol%SiO_2 are high, while the viscosities of molten B_2O_3-2mol%ZnO, BaO, PbO, Na_2O are low in that order. This order corresponds approximately to that of the relative strength of acidity→basicity for the oxides. (3) Since network forming melts have higher viscosity values, positive deviations from the viscosities calculated by using an equation for simple melts would provide a quantitative approach to the network structures of melts.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1987-03-01
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- 171 溶融純鉄の粘性測定(物性・造塊, 製鋼, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 100 回(秋季)講演大会)