焼入油の老化について (I) : 油脂の老化
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To study the process of deterioration of quenching oils in long service, various sorts of fatty oil were heated at 170℃ in a oil bath and blown with dry air of 10±1 1/hr/(300 cc of oil) according to the Indiana Method. Then several properties of oils were determined at some interval of time. The properties of fatty oils varied with the blowing time as follow : (1) The quenching ability of fatty oils was rapidly lowered and given by a parabolic formula of the blowing time ; t-t_0=ac・√<τ> This was attributed to rise of the beginning temperature of the convection stage in cooling process with lapse of blowing time. For this reason, it was possible to consider that the boiling point rose on account of the oxidation and polymerization of oils. (2) The viscosity in logarithm linearly increased with the blowing time ; logη-logη_0=α_η・τ. (3) The specific gravity increased and the iodine value decreased linearly with the blowing time ; G-G_0=α_G・τ, I_0-I=α_I・τ. (4) α_σ, α_η, α_G and α_I increased parabolically with the iodine value (I_0) of oils except the peculiar oils such as castor oil, sperm oil, etc. (5) The formation of sludge in fatty oils increased with the blowing time and was much in the order of iodine value (I_0), but was very smaller than that of mineral oils. (6) The acid value and the saponification value increased and the flushing point lowered with the blowing time. (7) The stability of quenching oils was determined by iodine value (I_0) of fatty oil and extremely inferior to that of mineral oils. (8) Oils containing much of liquid wax as sperm oil was comparatively stable. Note : t : cooling time required to cool from 700° to 350℃ for oil blown with air. (sec.) t_0 : the same for fresh oil. (sec.) η : viscosity of oil blown with air. (Redwood, sec.) η_0 : the same of fresh oil. (Redwood, sec.) G : specific gravity of oil blown with air. G_0 : the same of fresh oil. I : iodine value of oil blown with air. I_0 : the same of fresh oil. τ : blowing time. (hr.) α_C, α_η, α_G, α_I : the Constant.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1954-02-25
- 第 49 回講演大會工場見学記
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