- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper prompts to demonstrate the recrystallisation procedure of {h,1,1}(1//h,1,2) fibre from heavily cold rolled α-fibre structure, or RD//<011>texture. Firstly the partially recrystallised cold rolled steel was analysed with OIM measurement. At the stage of 50% recrystallisation, {100}<011>-{211}<011> α-fibre was remained as deformed structure, and only ND//<111> texture was appeared for the recrystallised area. The slight recrystallisation was observed at the grain boundary of α-fibre grains, therefore, a by-crystal of {100}<011> was employed to simulate the irregular deformation at the grain boundary. After the cold rolling, a warp toward the grain boundary was observed. Although the interior of the {100}<011> single crystal was hardly recrystallised, sharp {411}<148> texture was created along the grain boundary. In order to recreate the phenomenon at the grain boundary, a cold rolled {100}<011>single crystal was bent along the rolling direction and annealed. Very sharp {411}<148>recrystallisation texture was formed again at the bent perimeter. These results suggest that the irregular strain was sufficiently piled at the grain boundary after the heavy deformation and generates {h,1,1}<1/h,1,2> texture. The orientation relationship in recrystallisation was confirmed by another recrystallisation that a {211}<011> single crystal generated another {h,1,1}<1/h,1,2>, equivalently rotated around RD with the rotation from {100}<011> to {211}<011>. These recrystallisation textures were equivalently scattered around three <100> poles on (100) pole figures, therefore the rotation relationship around <111> axes with the original orientation was discussed.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 2004-07-01
中村 修一
吉永 直樹
中村 修一
本間 穂高
本間 穂高
吉永 直樹
新日本製鐵 鉄鋼研
中村 修一
新日本製鉄(株) 鉄鋼研究所
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- IF鋼のγ値の異方性に及ぼす冷延圧下率と熱延板集合組織の影響
- B添加工のAr_3変態温度に及ぼす熱間加工の影響
- EBSPによるTi添加極低炭素冷延鋼板の再結晶挙動の解明
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