研削砥石の研削性能に関する研究(第2報) : 結合度むらと加工物真円度形状
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The local grinding property of a grinding wheel periphery depends on the grade irregularity which is formed as results of ununiform mixed state of wheel materials, pressure gradient produced by pressworked process and temperature gradient produced by burning process. Hence, it is necessary to investigate the bad influence of grade irregularity in order to grind the workpiece with high geometrical accuracy. In this report, we express the irregularity of wheel grade in the elastic modulus measured with ultrasonic pulse method which is non-destructive inspection, and examine the effects of the magnitude of grade irregularity and the distribution of elastic modulus of a wheel periphery on the cylindrical configuration of workpiece. Then the relationships between the grinding conditions and magnitude of wave on the workpiece surface are analyzed to make it clear that the limited revolution ratio of wheel to workpiece minimizes the bad influence of grade irregularity.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1985-12-05
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