切りくず処理状態の認識と制御 : 認識方法と二, 三の制御実験
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This paper aims to realize a control system on feed for chip treatment. In case of turning operation, stability of chip breaking which is undertaken by chip breaker is affected by cutting condition (feed, cutting speed, etc.). As information about chip treatment or vibration of workpiece are included in fluctuating component of tool-work thermo-electromotive force (E. M. F.), relation between states of chip treatment and average value of periodic ratio or frequency of fluctuating component of E. M. F. has been studied. For this study, measurement and feed control system which is composed of microcomputer was made especially and adaptive control on feed based on results of cutting experiment was examined. Results obtained are as follows. Average value of periodic ratio of E. M. F. presents minimum value in accordance with chip treatment in which form and length of chips are uniform. Frequency of chip breaking increases following to increase of feed and it reaches to constant value. It is possible to maintain chip treatment in the range of good condition by controlling feed automatically.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1988-04-05
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