- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ideas, movements and problems related to reorganization of teacher education and re-education for teachers in Japan. This thesis consists of the three parts. Firstly, I will examine the discussions on this topics that have been regarded as questions of great importance. The main points of this discussion may be summarized as follows: (1) In order to overcome contemporary Japanese educational crisis, it's necessary to create the school regarded as a community characterized by learning and seeking one other's: (2) Learnig of one's own accord, finding out problems and solving them are intensely required in pupil's learning: (3) To satisfy such requirements would need the conversion in teacher-education programs and in the practice of teaching. The second point to be examined is the argument on the ability expected of contemporary teachers. Thirdly. I will examine the conversion of the fundamental structure and the contents of teacher-education curriculum. What is significant in the curriculum problems is that they are to be examined from the viewpoints of life-long education for teachers. Another significant point is the viewpoint of the collegiality in teacher's workplace. Finally, I will attempt to show the model of in-service education practiced in master's program of Fukui university. The special feature of this model is that university and school faculty members cooperatively investigats questions of teaching and learning that arise in the school.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2001-05-30
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- 教職の専門性と教師文化に関する研究(その1)(II-4部会 教師(1))
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- 中学校教員の役割不適応に関する研究(I-2部会 教師)
- 高校義務化の可能性に関する基礎的研究(II) : 高校進学の阻害要因の分析を中心に(一般研究 II・2部会 教育計画)
- 教員養成の再編成と再教育(教員の専門性と教育経営)
- 教育実践と教育社会学-教育社会学的研究のアクチュアリティ-
- 岡東壽隆・鈴木邦治著, 『教師の勤務構造とメンタル・ヘルス』, 多賀出版, 1997
- 日本教育経営学会第34回大会
- 国立大学における教員養成カリキュラムの改善をめぐる諸問題(新「免許法」と教育経営の諸問題)
- 教員養成に関する大学教員の意識(一般研究 II・4部会 大学II)
- 教員採用・研修の実態と問題点 : 制度・内容・意識に関する実態調査に基づく検討(III 共同研究)
- 教員養成の実態と問題点 : 制度・内容・意識に関する実態調査に基づく検討(III 研究報告)