十九世紀のキリスト像 : 十九世紀中葉から二十世紀初頭にかけて (聖学院大学創立10周年記念論文集)
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Christology is a sort of basso ostinato in modern Protestant theology. Though no such heated "Christological controversies" have taken place in modern times such as in antiquity, the Christological problem has certainly been latent in modern theology for the past three centuries. If we take "Christology" as the doctrine that deals with "the person and work of Christ" or "the identity and significance of Jesus Christ," then we can say that modern Protestant theology, without exception, has had to confront the Christological problem, said to be "the scandal of particularity." The social and intellectual forces of modernity demand that matters of ultimate meaning, value, and truth must in at least some form be available to all, whereas the Christian faith ascribes ultimate and (at least in principle) universal significance to a particular historical person, Jesus Christ. The knowledge of the historical Jesus is, however, a contingent historical matter attaining to nothing more than probability; and it is therefore short of universal validity. The authentically `modern' Christology took its rise in the nineteenth-century Germany. But its foundation had been laid in the eighteenth century by Enlightenment thinkers such as H. S. Reimarus, G. E. Lessing, and I. Kant. Through their respective critical works, they rendered a great contribution to Protestant thought in the succeeding centuries. In the early nineteenth century, two outstanding thinkers of German Idealism, F. D. E. Schleiermacher and G.W. F Hegel, produced two masterly models of modern Christology. Then D. F. Strauss, F. C. Baur, and A. E. Biedermann developed their own versions of Christology by critically following their mentors in one way or another, while S. Kierkegaard vehemently reacted to Hegel's philosophical system, thus producing an utterly new Christological thinking of his own. Since the attitudes of these thinkers toward the Christological problem have been discussed in the previous issue of this journal, in this essay the intent is to describe the further development of the problem from the mid-nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries. The purpose of this essay is, therefore, to examine how and from what point of view Protestant theologians in this period have tackled the Christological problem. In Chapter 1, a variety of pictures of Christ in the mid-nineteenth century are sketched. Our description covers W. E. Channing, R. W. Emerson, H. Bushnell, F. D. Maurice, G. Thomasius, and I. A. Dorner. Chapter 2 deals with "liberal" pictures of Christ in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Here A. Ritschl, W. Herrmann, A. v. Harnack, and W. Rauschenbusch are seminal figures of our special concern. Chapter 3 treats the relation of "the historical Jesus" to "the kerygmatic Christ," with special attention to J. Weiss, A. Schweitzer, M. Kähler, and E. Troeltsch. Our consideration will show that the Christological problem is one of the most difficult and most controversial issues in modern Protestant theology.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1999-03-25
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