近世濃尾農村における生産構造の変化 : 土地・人口・牛馬の量的観察を通じて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The main purposes of this article are to find out and analyze the aspects of the three factors of production-population, livestock and land-and their interelations during the Tokugawa age of Japan. I will take the case of the rural area of Owari and Mino provinces of Nagoya-han. The sources are the survey books of every villages of this area by the administration. We have two texts, Kanbun mura-mura oboegaki (Survey Books of Villages in the Age of Kanbun-1661-1673) and Junko-ki (The Records of Village Survey, 1790-1820). In these sources, with a few exceptions, we can see population, the number of livestock, the area of taxed lands and their estimated productions. I will try to show, first of all, the regional distribution of these factors in each period, and secondly, to analyze the growth rates of these factors and their interelations-the livestock/population ratio, the land productivity, etc. The basic statistics of population are given in the previous article- " Nobi chiho jinkoshi kenkyu joron" (Introduction to a Study on the Population History in Nobi District) Tokugawa Rinseishi Kenkyu Kiyo, 1969-, the growth rates of population varied regionally from 93.1 percent in Seto area to -11.2 percent in the suburban area of Nagoya. Generally speaking, the growth rates are higher in the surrounding areas of Nobi plain than in the plain area itself. The mean size of households clearly decreased in all areas from 5.55 to 4.18 (the average of overall 635 villages in Owari province). The number of livestock sharply fell. In Owari, the total numbers in "Junko-ki" are only 34 percent of the previous survey. But in Mino, specially in their mountaineous area the decreasing rates are not so high. The livestock/man ratio fell almost to zero in the plain area. Muscular power surprisingly substituted for livestock power. Though the mean size of households ore smallest, the land productivity are highest in the plain area. All these features show that the rice cultivation undertaking by family members is highly intensive.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1970-06-30
- 世界史的発展法則の「再検討」 : 福島大學經濟學會編「寄生地主制の研究」をめぐって
- 日本学士院会員に選出されて : 慶應義塾大学名誉教授 速水 融さん
- 第十回国際経済史会議と国際経済史協会
- 永原慶二, ジョン・W・ホール, コーゾー・ヤマムラ編 『戦国時代』 : 一五五〇年から一六五〇年の社会転換, (吉川弘文館、一九七八年、一八〇〇円)
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- 第六回国際経済史会議
- カルロ・M・チポラ著, 川久保公夫、堀内一徳共訳 『経済発展と世界人口』, The Economic History of World Population., (ミネルヴァ書房、 昭和四七年、 定価七八〇円)
- 日本経済史における中世から近世への転換 (社会経済史における16・17世紀)
- 近世濃尾農村における生産構造の変化 : 土地・人口・牛馬の量的観察を通じて
- 人口史研究におけるFamily Reconstitution
- 徳川時代の人口史研究
- 日本 3 太閤検地をめぐって (最近10年間における社会経済史学の発達)
- 福井縣立圖書館・福井縣郷土誌懇談會共編 「小濱・敦賀・三國湊史料」 : 福井縣郷土叢書第六集, (八一五頁, 福井縣立圖書館内福井縣郷土誌懇談會發行・昭和三十四年三月)
- 野村豊著 一、「近世漁村史料の研究」 : 大阪灣沿岸漁村學術調査報告, 二、「漁村の研究」 : 近世大阪の漁村
- 領主の検地帳と村の檢地帳
- アレグロ : CD登場
- 19世紀瀬戸内海地方の人口
- フェルマータ
- 明治初期広域濃尾地方圏の人口構造(新保博博士記念号)