Momentum Distribution of an Interacting Many-Boson System at High Density
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The momentum distribution function n_p is obtained for an interacting many-boson system at high density using the Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory in the scheme of the density and phase operator approach (DPO). The experssion obtained has a correct form in the low momentum limit in accord with the condition first given by Gavoret and Nozieres. The origin of an unphysical result found by Grest that n_p becomes negative for low wave numbers will be elucidated. Using the expression for n_p the ground-state energy is re-obtained. The result agrees completely with that given by Brueckner and Lee.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1976-07-25
Nishiyama Toshiyuki
Department Of Physics Colleg Of General Education Osaka University
Department of Physics, Colleg of General Education, Osaka University
Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics Osaka Institute of Technology
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