Momentum Distribution of a Charged Bose Gas at High Density
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The momentum distribution of a charged Bose gas at high density has been figured out as the function of the reduced wave number k up to the terms of order 1/N in the 1/N-expansion method of our theory of the density-phase operator approach. In the low momentum limit, besides the well-known term which diverges as k^<-2>, it has been shown that there appears another term which diverges as k^<-1> together with several regular terms. For higher wave numbers than k=0.1 the computation has been made by follwing the Monte Carlo integration method. Remarks have been made on the condensate fraction and on the higher order terms of order 1/N^2.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1979-11-25
Watanabe Yoiti
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
Nishiyama Toshiyuki
Department Of Physics Colleg Of General Education Osaka University
Department of Physics, Colleg of General Education, Osaka University
Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics Osaka Institute of Technology
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Department of Physics, College of General Education Osaka University
Institure of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
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