Alpha Cluster Formation in ^<20>Ne in the Cluster-Orbital Shell Model. II : Nuclear Physics
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A cluster-orbital shell model is applied to study the mechanism of α-cluster formation in ^<20>Ne. For this purpose a realistic effective interaction between the valence nucleons is carefully determined and tested through the low-lying levels of the sd shell nuclei. A calculation including all the configurations up to 4&plank;ω excitation is done for the 0^+ levels of ^<20>Ne. Three 0^+ states that correspond to the states at Ε_x=0, 6.72 and 10.97 MeV are reproduced very well. The calculation also predicts such a state that has a large reduced α-width amplitude and can be considered the broad state at 8.7 MeV. The percentage analysis of the wave functions is done to shed light on the mechanism of α-cluster formation.
- 1992-08-25
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
SUZUKI Yasuyuki
Physics Department, Niigata University
Ogawa Kengo
College Of Arts And Sciences Chiba University
Hara Shigehiro
Graduate School Of Technology Niigata University
Suzuki Yasuyuki
Physics Department Niigata University
HARA Shigehiro
Graduate School of Technology, Niigata University
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