A Unified Investigation of Enhancements in the Multi-Channel Problem by the D-Matrix Eigenvalue in the N/D Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
A unified method of the investigation of enhancements of multi-channel T-matirx is proposed with use of the N/D method. The eigenvalue of coupled channel D-matrix is essentially used for the graphical investigation of resonances or cusp phenomena. There are two kinds of resonances which are clearly distinguished by the behaviours of trajectories of specified eigenvalue.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1982-06-25
IWAMURA Yoshihiko
Department of Physics Science University of Tokyo
Takahashi Yasutaro
Department Of Physics Mcmaster University : Department Of Physics Science University Of Tokyo
Department of Physics, Science University of Tokyo
Kurihara Shinji
Department Of Physics Science University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Yasuyoshi
Department of Physics, Kumamoto University
Department of Applied Mathematics, Osaka University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo
Takahashi Yoshio
Theoretical Physics Institute, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Alberta
Kurihara Shinji
Department of Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo
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