Effects of a Magnetic Field on Superfluid ^3He-A Texture in a Cylinder
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The texture of 3He-A in a cylindrical geometry is investigated in the presence of an axial magnetic field. It is shown that in contrast with M-H structure l^^^-vector bends to the direction of the super flow in a sufficiently strong magnetic field and axial component of the net current appears in this structure.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1979-03-25
Ohmi Tetsuo
Depart Of Physics Kyoto University
Nakahara Mikio
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nakahara Mikio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Liberal Arts Shizuoka University
OHMI Tetsuo
Dapartment of Physics, Kyoto University
Department of Mathematics and Physics, Kinki University
- D.Bouwmeester, A.Ekert, A.Zeilinger著編, 西野哲朗,井元信之監訳, 量子情報の物理-量子暗号,量子テレポーテーション,量子計算-, 共立出版, 東京, 2008, xiv+384p, 22×15cm, 本体5,300円, [大学院向], ISBN978-4-320-03431-0
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