Single Particle versus Collective Excitation in the Direct Interactions
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A detailed but phenomenological analysis is made in estimating the contribution of the single-particle excitations to the integrated cross sections σ_<pp'> and σ_<pn> of the (p, p') and (p, n) reactions. It is found that, if the experimentally known collective-excitation cross section is added (which is in fact added only to the former), the resulting integrated cross sections agree very well with experiments and reasonably explain why σ_<pp'>≫σ_<pn>. It should be noted, however, that the contribution of the collective excitation to σ_<pp'> turned out, in our analysis, to be only a small fraction of σ_<pp'>, contrary to the supposition of Cohen that it is the main part of σ_<pp'>. To complement the above phenomenological analysis, somewhat more basic considerations of the mechanism of the direct interactions are made, using the T-matrix formalism. Discussions are given concerning the way how to describe the collective excitation in the inelastic scattering process as a superposition of single-particle excitations, in accordance with other authors, and also concerning the reason why the excitation of the collective states is expected to be small in the transmutation reactions.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1961-09-25
Tamura Taro
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Education
Department of Physics Tokyo University of Education
Tumura T.
Department of Physics Tokyo University of Education
- Effects of Tensor Forces on the Neutron-Deuteron Scattering
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- Nature of the First Excited States of the Vibrational Even-Even Nuclei
- Single Particle versus Collective Excitation in the Direct Interactions
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- Slow Neutrons in the Cosmic Radiation, I