On the Nuclear Photo-Reaction, I
Takagi Shuji
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Schience Osaka University
Fujii Saburo
Department Of Physics College Of Science And Engineering Nihon University
Fujii Saburo
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Fujii Saburo
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
- A Possible Interpretation of High Energy Nuclear Events
- A Model for Shock Waves in High Energy Heavy ion Collisions
- A Modified Glauber Approximation and the Stopping Power of the Nuclear Matter
- A Modified Glauber Approximation and the Formation of Shock Waves in High-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
- On the Production of π-Mesons in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions
- Quantum Fluctuation Effects Due to Baryon Resonances in Nuclear Mean Field Theory : Nuclear Physics
- Influence of the N*(1470) to Density Isomer and a Phase Transition of the Baryon-Antibaryon Plasma at Finite Temperatures
- A Modified Glauber Approximation for High-Energy Heavy Ion Collision. II : Effect of the Internal Excitation of the Projectile Nucleus : Nuclear Physics
- Faddeev Calculation of d-a Scattering with Absorption Effects : Nuclear Physics
- Five Dimensional Approach to Regularized Quantum Electrodynamics
- Nuclear Force and Nuclear Matter. II
- Note on the Occurrence of Shock Waves in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
- Pion Condensation and Density Isomer in a Relativistic Mean Field Theory : Nuclear Physics
- On the Roles of Effective Interactions in Nuclear Collective Motion
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, lV : Photodisintegration of Deuteron at 20 Mev
- T-Nt Diagram for Fusion Researches
- On the Time-Variation in Thermonuclear-Fusion Systems
- Nuclear Force and Nuclear Matter. I
- Nuclear Matter and Nuclear Forces
- A Generalization of the Goldhaber-Teller Model and Nuclear Photo and Electroexcitations
- On the Nuclear Photo-Reaction, II
- Collective Motion and Particle Excitation in Many Fermion System
- Some Remarks on Bopp's Field Theory.
- On the Nuclear Photo-Reaction, I
- Possibility of Isoscalar E1 Broad Resonance
- Photoneutron Energy Spectra Based on the Preequilibrium Model
- On the Magnetic Dipole Excitation Due to Inelastic Electron Scattering
- Note on the Spin-Orbit Coupling and Tensor Forces
- Electroexcitation of J^π=1^-, T=0 Levels in Self-Conjugate Nuclei and Nuclear Compressible Mode
- Nuclear Photo-Reaction and Excitation Modes of Nuclei