Electron Capture in Highly Evolved Stars
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Electron-capture rates in highly evolved stars are calculated mainly with the help of the gross theory of β-decay for about 130 nuclei near the β-stability line (9≤Z≤30, 20≤A≤60). Special individual transitions whose contributions are important at relatively low densities and low temperatures are also treated separately. The numerical results for those rates are approximated by much simpler empirical formulas for convenience of practical use.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1975-11-25
Science and Engineering Research Laboratory, Waseda University
Yamada Masami
Science And Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
YOKOI Koichi
Department of Physics and Applied Physics, Waseda University
Yokoi Koichi
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
YOKOI Koichi
Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University
Egawa Yoshiro
Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University
- Fluctuation Study of Fire-Balls with Quantized Masses
- Further Study of the Nuclear Shape in High-Density Matter
- Atomic Mass Formula with Empirical Shell Terms
- Cluster Variation Method for Finite-Temperature Systems. II : Symmetric Nuclear Matter with a Central Potential
- Shape of Nuclei in the Crust of Neutron Star : Nuclear Physics
- Gross Theory of β-Decay and Its Application to the Fermi Matrix Element
- β-spectra of Fe^, Rb^, Tc^, Cs^and the Coupling Constants of Scalar and Tensor Interactions in β-decay
- Nuclear Structure Studied from Weak and Related Processes
- Electron Spin Density and Internal Conversion Process
- Atomic Mass Formula with Constant Shell Terms
- Finite-Nuclear-Size Effect on the Gross Theory of First-Forbidden β-Decay
- Instability of Spheroidal Super-Heavy Nuclei
- Gross Theory of Nuclear β-Decay
- Necessary Conditions on Spin-Isospin-Dependent Liquid Structure Functions of Fermion Systems : Nuclear Physics
- Theory of Superdense Stars
- Difference between the Neutron and Proton Distributions in Nuclei
- Nuclear Mass Formula on a Compressible Model
- Mass Formula for Compressible Elastic Nuclei : Nuclear Physics
- Effect of Nuclear Surface Diffuseness on the Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonance : Nuclear Physics
- Matter-Induced Neutrino Oscillation in Double Universal Seesaw Model : Particles and Fields
- Spin Condition in the Cluster Variation Method and Its Application to the Neutron Matter
- Gross Theory of β-Decay and Shell Effects
- Improvement of the Gross Theory of β-Decay.I : Formalism : Nuclear Physics
- Improvement of the Gross Theory of β-Decay. II : One-Particle Strength Function : Nuclear Physics
- Cluster Variation Method for Finite-Temperature Systems.I : Formalism for Fermion Systems : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Momentum Distribution Condition in the Cluster Variation Method : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Nuclear Ground-State Energies
- Screening Effect on Electron Captures at High Densities
- Electron Capture in Highly Evolved Stars
- β-Decay of Nuclear Excited States
- Energy Loss Accompanying the Electron Captures in Highly Evolved Stars