Triaxiality-Driving Effect Extracted by Spin Projection
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The effect of triaxial spin projection on the potential energy surface in the deformation parameter space (ε, γ) is investigated for three nuclei, ^<142>Nd, ^<168>Er and ^<188>Os. The calculation is performed for two sets of the spherical single-particle space and an effective monopole-pairing plus quadrupole-quadrupole interaction. The correlations taken into account by the spin projection have an effect of driving the system toward a triaxial deformation, irrespective of the shell fillings of the nuclei.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2000-10-25
東山 幸司
Tomita K
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
Higashiyama Koji
Department Of Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima Unive
Department of Physics, Saitama University
Tanabe Kosai
Department Of Physics College Of Liberal Arts Saitama University
Yoshinaga Naotaka
Department Of Physics College Of Liberal Arts Saitama University
ENAMI Ken-Ichi
Department of Physics, Saitama University
Tomita Kenji
Research Institute For Theoretical Physics Hiroshima Unviersity
Tomita Kenji
Research Institute For Theretical Physics Hiroshima University
Enami Ken-ichi
Department Of Physics Saitama University
Tomita Kenji
Research Institute Of Theoretical Physics Hiroshima University
Research Institute for Theoretical Physics, Hiroshima University
Department of Physics, Saitama University
Tokyo Development Center Yaskawa Electric MFG.Co.,LTD
Department of Physics, Kyushu Uniersity
Uji Reseach Center, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
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