Forward Deuteron Emission in High Energy Proton-Nucleus Collision and Nuclear Correlations
- 論文の詳細を見る
The ratio of the cross sections of the reaction A(p,dp)A-2 and d(p,d)p, the forward deuteron emission by the direct pick-up process in the high energy proton-nucleus collision, depends on the ratio of the Fourier components of the short-range two-nucleon correlation function and the deuteron wavefunction. The momentum dependence of the latter ratio is discussed in detail and it is concluded that the characteristics of the correlation function can be informed even by the qualitative behaviour of the former ratio. The distortion of the incident and outgoing waves is described only by an energy-insensitive multiplicative factor, and does not affect the above conclusion.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1972-07-25
Fujii Akihiko
Department Of Physics Sophia University
Fujii Akihiko
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Informational Engineering Osaka University
Tanabe Kosai
Department Of Physics College Of Liberal Arts Saitama University
Kohmura Toshitake
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Education
Futami Yasuhiko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Kohmura Toshitaka
Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Education
FUJII Akihiko
Department of Physics, Sophia University
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