Mass Matrices in E_6 Unification
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We study a supersymmetric E_6 grand unified model in which the SU(5)5~* components are twisted in the third generation 27.Supplementing the adjoint Higgs field to a model analyzed previously, we calculate the mass matrices for the up and down quarks and charged leptons.Although the number of free parameters is less than that of observables, an overall fitting to the observed masses and mixing angles is shown to be possible.Most notably, we find two novel, parameter-independent relations between the lepton 2-3 mixing angle θ_μτ and the quark masses and CKM mixing angles that are in good agreement with the large lepton mixing recently observed.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2000-07-25
九後 汰一郎
Kugo T
Kyoto Univ.
KUGO Taichiro
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
九後 汰一郎
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
BANDO Masako
Aichi University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
九後 汰一郎
京大 理
Kugo Taichiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Yoshioka Koichi
Department Of Biochemistry And Biophysics Graduate School Of Allied Health Sciences
Bando Masako
Aichi Univ. Aichi Jpn
九後 汰一郎
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
KUGO Taichiro
Department of Physics,Kyoto University
KUGO Taichiro
Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University
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