Higgs Doublets as Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons in Supersymmetric E_6 Unification
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-01-25
- Higgs Doublets as Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons in Supersymmetric E_6 Unification(Particles and Fields)
- Gauge and Non-Gauge Tensor Multiplets in 5D Conformal Supergravity(Particles and Fields)
- Superconformal Tensor Calculus on an Orbifold in 5D
- Off-Shell Formulation of Supergravity on an Orbifold
- Off-Shell d=5 Supergravity Coupled to a Matter-Yang-Mills System
- Mass Matrices in E_6 Unification
- One-Loop Tachyon Amplitude in Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory
- Neutrino Masses in E_6 Unification : Particles and Fields
- BRS Invariance of Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory : Particles and Fields
- On the Generalized Gluing and Resmoothing Theorem : Particles and Fields
- Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory
- Defining the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model by Higher Derivative Kinetic Term : Particles and Fields
- Asymptotics of the Pseudoscalar Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude : Particles and Fields
- Calculating the Decay Constant f_π : Particles and Fields
- Asymptotically Free versus Asymptotically Non-Free Gauge Theories : Particles and Fields
- How Does Technicolor Survive the FCNC Syndrome? : Particles and Fields
- : Particles and Fields
- Can Composite Quarks and Leptons Be Realistic?
- Meson Strings and Flavor Branes(Particles and Fields)
- SI2004--What has happened? (〔素粒子論グループ〕SUMMER INSTITUTE 2004)
- An Exotic Approach to Hadron Physics(Superstring approaches for hadrons, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Pentaquark Baryons in String Theory(Particles and Fields)
- Local Covariant Operator Formalism of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and Quark Confinement Problem
- BRS Invariant Vertex of Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond Superstring
- Gauge String Field Theory for Torus Compactified Closed String : Particles and Fields
- Supersymmetric Non-Linear Lagrangians of Kahlerian Coset Spaces G/H:G=E_6,E_7 and E_8 : Particles and Fields
- Gauge Invariant Local Action of String Field from BRS Formalism : Particles and Fields
- BRS Invariance of String Vertex on General Ghost Vacuum
- Dynamical Gauge Bosons and Hidden Local Symmetries
- Non-Abelian Anomaly and Vector Mesons as Dynamical Gauge Bosons of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Delay of Vehicle Motion in Traffic Dynamics
- Critical Instability as an Origin of Large Isospin Breaking : Particles and Fields
- Isgur-Wise Function from Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude : Particles and Fields
- On the Superfield Formulation of Stochastic Quantisation : Particles and Fields
- External Gauge Invariance and Anomaly in BS Vertices and Boundstates : Particles and Fields
- Improving the Effective Potential : Multi-Mass-Scale Case : Particles and Fields
- Nontriviality of Gauge-Higgs-Yukawa System and Renormalizability of Gauged NJL Model : Particles and Fields
- Duality Constraints and Representation Mixings in Light-Like Chiral Algebra
- Target Space Duality as a Symmetry of String Field Theory : Invited Papers
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of Yang-Mills Field Theories. II : SU(2) Higgs-Kibble Model with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Supergravity Tensor Calculus in 5D from 6D
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of the Yang-Mills Field Theories. I : General Formalism
- N=1 Superconformal Tensor Calculus : Multiplets with External Lorentz Indices and Derivative Operations : Particles and Fields
- Symmetric and Mass-Independent Renormalization
- Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory
- Massless Particle with Spin j≧1 Implies the S-Matrix Symmetry
- Composite Gauge Bosons and "Low Energy Theorems" of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Dynamical Theory of the Yang-Mills Field. I : Instability of the Vacuum and Singlet Pair Condensation
- Remarks on Weyl's Gauge Field
- Nontriviality of Gauge-Higgs-Yukawa System and Renormalizability of Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
- A Simple Derivation of Ginzburg-Landau-Higgs Type Lagrangian
- Low Energy Theorems of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- On the Goldstone Theorem for the Symmetries Violated by Gauge Fixing
- Generalized Hidden Local Symmetry and the A_1 Meson : Particles and Fields
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of Yang-Mills Field Theories.III : Pure Yang-Mills Theories without Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Hierarchical Mass Matrices in a Minimal SO(10) Grand Unification. II : Particles and Fields
- Lorentz Transformation in the Light-Cone Gauge String Field Theory
- Gauge and Non-Gauge Tensor Multiplets in 5D Conformal Supergravity
- The Form of BRS-Invariant Operators
- Higgs Doublets as Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons in Supersymmetric E_6 Unification
- Non-Linear π-B Exchange-Degenerate Regge Trajectory
- On the Ground State of O(N)- λφ^4 Model
- A New Approach to Relativistic Composite Model of Hadrons. I
- E_6 Unification with Bi-Large Neutrino Mixing
- A V-A Six Lepton Model without the Separate Conservation of Lepton Numbers
- Dynamical Gauge Boson and Strong-Weak Reciprocity : Particles and Fields
- On the Generalized Gluing and Resmoothing Theorem : Particles and Fields
- BRS Invariance of Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory : Particles and Fields