: Particles and Fields
- 論文の詳細を見る
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking solutions for the Schwinger-Dyson equation in massless QED are investigated in the covariant α-gauge. With a proper renormalization of the mass function Σ, critical solutions Σ_c are obtained along the whole criticality on the λ-α plane (λ≡3e^2/4π). For positive α,Σ_c(x) is a momentum independent constant function. The renormalization flow and fixed point structure on the λ-α plane is clarified. The Landau gauge critical point (λ=1, α=0) shows up as an ultraviolet fixed point with two relevant operators.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1989-04-25
Kugo T
Kyoto Univ.
BANDO Masako
Physics Division, Aichi University
KUGO Taichiro
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
九後 汰一郎
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
AOKI Ken-Ichi
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
Physics Division, Aichi University
HASEBE Katsuya
Physics Division, Aichi University
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Bando Masako
Physics Division Aichi University
Kugo Taichiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nakatani H
Ishikawa Polytechnic Coll. Fugeshi‐gun
Hasebe K
Aichi Univ. Aichi Jpn
Aoki Ken-ichi
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
HASEBE Katsuya
College of General Educaiton, Aichi University
- 湯川秀樹著, 小沼通二監修, 「湯川秀樹 物理講義」を読む, 講談社, 東京, 2007, 175p, 26×18.5cm, 本体1,800円, [学部向], ISBN978-4-06-154293-8
- 科学における女性 : 現在そして未来 1人の女性として(ヘレン・クインのメッセージ)
- Higgs Doublets as Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons in Supersymmetric E_6 Unification(Particles and Fields)
- Gauge and Non-Gauge Tensor Multiplets in 5D Conformal Supergravity(Particles and Fields)
- Superconformal Tensor Calculus on an Orbifold in 5D
- Off-Shell Formulation of Supergravity on an Orbifold
- A Novel Quark/Lepton Mass-Mixing-Angle relation (ニュートリノをめぐって)
- Off-Shell d=5 Supergravity Coupled to a Matter-Yang-Mills System
- Mass Matrices in E_6 Unification
- One-Loop Tachyon Amplitude in Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory
- Neutrino Masses in E_6 Unification : Particles and Fields
- (Gauge)String Field Theory〔本文は和文〕 (1997年度〔第43回〕原子核三者若手夏の学校 素粒子パ-ト講義録)
- BRS Invariance of Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory : Particles and Fields
- On the Generalized Gluing and Resmoothing Theorem : Particles and Fields
- Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory
- 超対称な理論での非線形表現(対称性の力学的起源と統一模型,研究会報告)
- Dynamical Realization of Gauge Fields? (ゲ-ジ場の起源) -- (ゲ-ジ場の起源をめぐって)
- Defining the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model by Higher Derivative Kinetic Term : Particles and Fields
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- 基礎物理学に関する年表(ver. 2006. 8. 1)(ひろば)
- Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Analysis in Quantum Mechanics
- Non-Ladder Extended Renormalization Group Analysis of the Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking
- Wilson Renormalization Group Equations for the Critical Dynamics of Chiral Symmetry
- Rapidly Converging Truncation Scheme of the Exact Renormalization Group
- Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Analysis of the Chiral Critical Behavior in QED : Particles and Fields
- The Effectiveness of the Local Potential Approximation in the Wegner-Houghton Renormalization Group
- Asymptotics of the Pseudoscalar Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude : Particles and Fields
- Calculating the Decay Constant f_π : Particles and Fields
- Asymptotically Free versus Asymptotically Non-Free Gauge Theories : Particles and Fields
- How Does Technicolor Survive the FCNC Syndrome? : Particles and Fields
- : Particles and Fields
- Can Composite Quarks and Leptons Be Realistic?
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- Meson Strings and Flavor Branes(Particles and Fields)
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- 科学とは
- SI2004--What has happened? (〔素粒子論グループ〕SUMMER INSTITUTE 2004)
- An Exotic Approach to Hadron Physics(Superstring approaches for hadrons, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Pentaquark Baryons in String Theory(Particles and Fields)
- Local Covariant Operator Formalism of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and Quark Confinement Problem
- WKB Treatment of Boson Hamiltonian of Inter-Nucleus Interaction
- Can Symmetric Texture Reproduce the Unitarity Triangle and m_b/m_T?(Particles and Fields)
- ピクセラ訪問記("ポスドク"問題)
- 湯川精神のスケール(湯川・朝永生誕100年記念)
- 24pWA-5 科学の心を育てる : 学生との共同作業を通じて(24pWA 領域13シンポジウム:すべての人のための物理学とは-物理教育の多様性とその課題-,領域13(物理教育,物理学史,環境物理))
- イザベル・シャバンヌ著, 岡田勲・渡辺正訳, 吉祥瑞枝監修, キュリー夫人の理科教室, 丸善, 東京, 2004, 128p., 21×15cm, 本体1,500円[一般書]
- 次の時代の科学を担う教育現場
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- BRS Invariant Vertex of Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond Superstring
- Gauge String Field Theory for Torus Compactified Closed String : Particles and Fields
- Supersymmetric Non-Linear Lagrangians of Kahlerian Coset Spaces G/H:G=E_6,E_7 and E_8 : Particles and Fields
- Gauge Invariant Local Action of String Field from BRS Formalism : Particles and Fields
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- 弦の場の理論
- 21世紀の科学へ
- 9.懇親会(学問の系譜-アインシュタインから湯川・朝永へ-)
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- Critical Instability as an Origin of Large Isospin Breaking : Particles and Fields
- Isgur-Wise Function from Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude : Particles and Fields
- On the Superfield Formulation of Stochastic Quantisation : Particles and Fields
- External Gauge Invariance and Anomaly in BS Vertices and Boundstates : Particles and Fields
- Improving the Effective Potential : Multi-Mass-Scale Case : Particles and Fields
- Nontriviality of Gauge-Higgs-Yukawa System and Renormalizability of Gauged NJL Model : Particles and Fields
- Duality Constraints and Representation Mixings in Light-Like Chiral Algebra
- Target Space Duality as a Symmetry of String Field Theory : Invited Papers
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of Yang-Mills Field Theories. II : SU(2) Higgs-Kibble Model with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Supergravity Tensor Calculus in 5D from 6D
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of the Yang-Mills Field Theories. I : General Formalism
- N=1 Superconformal Tensor Calculus : Multiplets with External Lorentz Indices and Derivative Operations : Particles and Fields
- Symmetric and Mass-Independent Renormalization
- Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory
- Massless Particle with Spin j≧1 Implies the S-Matrix Symmetry
- Composite Gauge Bosons and "Low Energy Theorems" of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Dynamical Theory of the Yang-Mills Field. I : Instability of the Vacuum and Singlet Pair Condensation
- Remarks on Weyl's Gauge Field
- Nontriviality of Gauge-Higgs-Yukawa System and Renormalizability of Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
- A Simple Derivation of Ginzburg-Landau-Higgs Type Lagrangian
- Low Energy Theorems of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- On the Goldstone Theorem for the Symmetries Violated by Gauge Fixing
- Solving the Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking by Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group
- Generalized Hidden Local Symmetry and the A_1 Meson : Particles and Fields
- Hierarchical Multi-Fermion Condensation in Extended-MAC Scenario
- Effective Gauge Interaction of weyl Fermions : Extended-MAC Scenario
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of Yang-Mills Field Theories.III : Pure Yang-Mills Theories without Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Hierarchical Mass Matrices in a Minimal SO(10) Grand Unification. II : Particles and Fields
- Lorentz Transformation in the Light-Cone Gauge String Field Theory
- 湯川・朝永の「体験」(基礎物理学の現状と未来-学問の系譜・湯川・朝永をうけて-,研究会報告)
- Study of Local Inter-Nucleus Potential on the Basis of the Resonating Group Method. III : Parity-Dependence and Angular-Momentum-Dependence of the Inter-Nucleus Potential
- A V-A Six Lepton Model without the Separate Conservation of Lepton Numbers
- Lorentz Transformation in the Light-Cone Gauge String Field Theory
- Dynamical Gauge Bosons and Hidden Local Symmetries (Proceedings of the Kyoto International Symposium The Jubilee of the Meson Theory(Kyoto,Japan August 15-17,1985))
- Supersymmetric Non-Linear Lagrangians of Kahlerian Coset Spaces G/H: G=E6,E7 and E8
- On the Generalized Gluing and Resmoothing Theorem : Particles and Fields
- BRS Invariance of Unoriented Open-Closed String Field Theory : Particles and Fields