Jets and Black Holes in Hypernova Explosions
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Bipolar explosion models for hypernovae (very energetic supernovae), associated with the black hole formation, are presented. The model features are as follows: (1) Fe-peak elements are ejected at high velocities to reach the surface region, while dense O-rich materials occupy the central region at low velocities. (2) The abundance ratios (Zn, Co)/Fe are enhanced while the ratios (Mn, Cr)/Fe are suppressed. The overall abundances are consistent with those observed in extremely metal-poor stars formed at the very early phase of the Galaxy, suggesting significant contribution of such explosions to the early Galactic chemical evolution. (3) Certain relations among the optical luminosity, the chemical composition, and the property of the central remnant are predicted. Such relations may serve for identifying possible gravitational wave emitters in the future.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2003-10-15
MAEDA Keiichi
Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, College of Arts and Science, University of Tokyo
野本 憲一
Department Of Astronomy And Research Center For The Early Universe The University Of Tokyo
Maeda K
Department Of Earth Science And Astronomy College Of Arts And Science University Of Tokyo
Maeda Keiichi
Department Of Astronomy And Research Center For The Early Universe The University Of Tokyo
Maeda Keiichi
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Maeda Keiichi
Department Of Astronomy University Of Tokyo
Maeda Kei-ichi
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Maeda Kei-ichi
Department Of Physics Waseda University
Maeda Kei-ichi
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto Unviersity
Nomoto Ken'ichi
Department Of Astronomy University Of Tokyo
MAEDA Keiichi
Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo
NOMOTO Ken'ichi
Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo
Department of Physics, Ibaraki University : NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
NOMOTO Ken'ichi
Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo:Research Center for the Early Universe, University of Tokyo
NOMOTO Ken'ichi
Department of Physics, Ibaraki University
MAEDA Kei-ichi
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto Unviersity ./ Department of Physics, Kyoto University
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