- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The flowering period of peanut is about 100 days or more, which differentiates very much the respective maturity of each fruit of peanut, so it is difficult that growers catch its exact yielding time. 2. By the factors of climate, especially temperature, the flowering or maturing period is controlled, and the yielding period is from the middle of September to the end of October. 3. The effective flowering period was until the end of August, and the seeded plant at the beginning of July had its effective flowering period of only about one month, and so the July-seeded plant had only half of the product of the optimum seeded plant at the beginning of May. The seeded plant after July had the common pods, but brought no grain. 4. Immature grains decreased rapidly after about 90 days from the first flowering of each plant, or about 40 days from the maximum flowering time. 5. The plants harvested after the middle of October, which passed over the 110 days from the first flowering of each plant, produced many over-mature grains and germinating grains. 6. The early harvesting time is better than the customary time, and when the immature pods are many, the mature fruits should be harvested and the plants with immature pods should be gathered at the corner of the field and planted temporarily. After they were laid on till the frost time, the Secondly harvest should be done. 7. The optimum harvesting time was about after one month from the end of effective flowering period, or after one month and a half from the maximum of fertile percentage.
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