水稻の肥料分施に関する研究 : (第 2 報)窒素追肥の時期が穂数及び穂重の蘖位別構成及び一穂重に及ぼす影響
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Auther investigated the influence of the periods of application of N-fertilizer on rice plant, especially on the number and the weight of spikes and of a spike, by separating individual tiller concerning to its own position. The iesults obtained are briefly described as follows; (Marks of tillers refer to prof. T. Katayama.) 1,On the composition of the number and the weight of spikes, there are constant parts which will not be affected by fertilisation, consequently there is not sufficient difference among plots to be distinctly noticeable : I call it "fundamental spikes". 2,These fundamental spikes, except 4th spike (or tiller) and those belong to it, as there are great irregularity among plots, are composed by the early developed tillers until those which developed simultaneously with 12th leaf of main stem. 3,The function of early fertilisation, such as 24 or 31 days before earing, are principally to provide for the increase of the number and weight of spikes which have developed lately, such as simultaneously developed with 13th and 14th leaf of main stem. 4,As to the weight of a spike there is not recognizable difference among plots. But a certain systematic order is found between the weight of a spike concerning to its position, that is, a systematic order among spikes which belong same family, (5>51>51P etc), among same order (51>52>53,61>62>63 etc), and among spikes which developed simultaneously; early developed spikes-1st order>2nd order (7>41 etc) but gradually with the developing stage 1st order≒2nd order (51>8>42 or 52,61>9>43,etc), at last 2nd order>1st order≒3rd order (53,62,71>10≒51P, 511 etc).
- 神戸大学の論文
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