- 論文の詳細を見る
The survey extending 56 days started on December 5, 1961 at Lat. 36°59'.0 S, Long. 16°44'.2 E and terminated on January 29, 1962 at Lat. 36 °24'.4 S, Long. 16°10'.9 E. The Antarctic seas surveyed in the present expedition were devided into 3 sections as denoted below: Section I Lat. 40°.0S Long. 115°.0E}→{Lat. 64°.5S Long. 70°.0E Section II Lat. 64°.5S Long. 70°.0E}→{Lat. 65°.0S Long. 30°.0E Section III Lat. 64°.0S Long. 30°.0E}→{Lat. 59°.0S Long. 36°.0W Within those section of waters, there were made 57 hydrographical surveys, 42 B.T. measurements, 86 current measurements, 105 plankton collections, 14 fish studies, bird observations, 31 observations of D. S. L., 20 observations of magnetic variation and 2,568 sounding of the bottom.
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