- 論文の詳細を見る
It is very difficult to determine the position of a ship at a point near the coast or others when it can clearly receive the waves transmitted from a pair of station but cannot receive well those from another pair, or when the hyperbolic line of position (LOP) is widely spread out. In regard to such cases, we made an experimental test on a practicability of obtaining the position by using the Loran receiver as the Lodar to determine the bearing line of the master or slave station and finding its intersecting point with the hyperbolic LOP of the pair of station. As a result, we found the following facts. 1. Lodar method is successfully applicable when visibility is limited, namely at a cloudy or rainy weather or when the land is covered with gas or mist and surveying is impossible, or at a point near the coast where it is difficult to determine the position of the ship by hyperbolic LOP. 2. In such cases at night, measurement by Lodar method seems to be of higher accuracy than by sky waves transmitted from a pair of station. 3. As the Lodar is highly sensitive, relative bearing is easily obtained, but on account of rolling of the ship it was difficult to determine it at one time of measurement. We measured six or eight times and took the mean value. 4. It seems that the error becomes larger as the angle between the hyperbolic LOP and the Loran bearing line gets sharper (namely, as it enters into, what is called, back side of the Loran station).
- 1963-06-25
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