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To evaluate the effect of predation by a water strider Geriss nepalensis (Hemiptera : Geriidae) on the population fluctuation of the leaf beetle Galerucella nipponensis (Coleoptera : Chrysomeridae) on an aquatic host plant Trapa japonica in the field, availability of the leaf beetle as prey for the water strider was examined in the laboratory. Beetle larvae of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars on leaves of T japonica rosette were exposed to a pair of water striders with alternative prey, a blow fly Lucilia illustris, or without alternative prey. The survival rate of the larvae without the alternative prey was significantly lower than that with the alternative prey. A similar experiment was also conducted for the eggs of the beetle. A few eggs were sucked by the water strider when the predators were extremely hungry under the conditions without the alternative prey. These results show that quality of the beetle as prey for the water strider is relatively low, however, the beetle will be attacked by the water strider in the field when abundance of suitable prey is low.
- 2002-02-20
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