- 論文の詳細を見る
The first aim of this paper is to introduce "Palliative care round" in Chiba University Hospital inpatient units, and the second aim is to discuss the importance of family intervention in palliative care, presenting two case reports including family interventions. Palliative care round has been done since 1990. In this round, some psychiatrists, anesthesiologists and nurses have attended and made a "palliative care team". This team visits the wards around the hospital once a week where patients are in the terminal phase suffering from cancer pain. The purpose of this round is to maintain patients' QOL as much as possible. Interventions for 1) removing pain, 2) reducing physical suffering like sleep disturbance, nausea, dyspnea, 3) easing anxiety and depression, are main practical strategies to carry out the purpose. An 4) giving support to patient's family through family intervention is another important strategy. In fact the family has a lot of burdens in the situation of palliative care. For example, family members are obliged to take a part of nursing at the bedside of the patient. Also they are bound to be in a dilemma whether or not they should tell "the truth" to the patient. because many patients are still not informed of the name of disease from the medical staff in our country. "Anticipatory grief" is another psychological burden for the family especially when it was banned to be expressed in the presence of the patient in the hospital. Therefore it is one of the important tasks in the palliative care which supports patient's family members to get rid of their physical, psychological and economical burdens. From the viewpoint of the system's theory it is also suggested that such an intervention as supporting family members is effective not only to improve their own QOL but to have a good influence on the patient. It would happen through the interpersonal relationships within the family. Two case reports are presented in this paper that show the effect of family interventions on the QOL of patient and his family. This paper concludes with a suggestion that some assement scales should be developed which make it possible to understand the situation and needs of the patient's family and which can help make effective interventions in the phase of palliative care. An assessment scale using for the same purpose in the field of mentally disabled is introduced for reference.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1995-03-01
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