テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第4報) : テクノ症的傾向に関連のある心理特性の影響を考慮した, テクノ症的傾向と労働状況・背景要因との関係
- 論文の詳細を見る
On report 3,it was shown that technostress tendency had no significant relationship with age, length of work and amount of computer work. This study conducted further examination about their relationships by taking account of the inflence of psychological characteristics. The data were collected from questionnaires given to 273 computer operators (male 241. female 32). The questionnaires consisted of 3 parts-A) questions to evaluate technostress tendency, B) questions to identify age. length of work and amount of computer work, C) tests to evaluate psychological characteristics (MAS, SDS and Y-G). Questions about technostress tendency had been based on report 1. Age and length of work were obtained in years. Amount of computer work was obtained by subjects choosing one of followings; 1) 10-20%, 2) 3O-40%, 3) 50-60%. 4) 70-80%. 5) 90-100%. The psychological characteristics which were associated with technostress tendency had been clarified on report 2. Each question about technostress tendency was given a point according to the answer-Yes=1,unknown=0.5,No=0. The total points were the score to evaluate technostress tendency of each subject. Subjects were divided into a high tendency group and a low tendency group with mean value and SD value of the score. Regarding amount of computer work. subjects were divided into 3 groups-A : subjects whose amount of computer work was 10-40%, B : 50-60%, C : 70-100%. Concerning psychological characteristics which were associated with technostress tendency, subjects were divided as follows. MAS and SDS; 2 grous-1) subjects with anxiety (in depression), 2) those not with (not in). Y-G profiles (12 profiles and 6 profile groups) ; divided into 2 groups with mean value of their total score-1) subjects who have a high socre of profile, 2) those who have a low score of prcfile. Y-G 5 types; 1) subjects who are high tendency types, 2) those who are low tendency types. In each group concerning psychological characteristics, Wilcoxon 2-sample test and Chi-square test were conducted to examine if age, length of work and amount of computer work were significantly different between high and low technostress tendency groups. As a result, it was shown that the amount of computer work was significantly high in the high techno-centered tendency group than in the low one (p<0.01). It was observed only for subjects who had slight Y-G profiles associated with techno-centered tendency. This was also shown that age was significantly low in the high techno-anxious tendency groups than in the low one (p<0.01). It was observed only for subjects who were in depression. The results indicated that the amount of computer work was related to techno-centered tendency under the infiuence of psychological chracteristics. The same thing was said about age and techno-anxious tendency.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1992-10-01
- テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第5報) : テクノ症的傾向と職種との関係
- 現代社会におけるテクノ依存症傾向の類型化の試み
- B-10-8 テクノストレスの自己管理の重要点(テクノストレス)
- テクノストレス症候群について
- テクノストレス症候群的傾向の検査尺度用質問紙を用いたテクノストレスの自己管理
- 4. テクノ症的傾向の質問項目の信頼性の検証(第70回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- IF-7 調査用紙を用いたテクノストレスの自己管理(ストレス・メンタルヘルスII)
- 22. テクノストレス症候群的傾向とコンピュータ作業従事者の背景要因・労働状況との関係(第67回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 19.テクノストレス症候群的傾向の検査尺度用質問項目(第66回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- テクノストレス症候群的傾向と不安および自我状態との関連性について
- テクノストレス症候群的傾向とコンピュータ作業従事者の背景要因・労働状況との関係
- テクノストレス症候群的傾向の検査尺度用質問項目群
- 7.テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第5報) : テクノ症的傾向と職種の関係(第64回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- IIE-4 テクノストレス症候群の関する研究(メンタルヘルスI)
- 13.テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第3報) : テクノ症的傾向と労働状況・背景要因との関係(第62回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第4報) : テクノ症的傾向に関連のある心理特性の影響を考慮した, テクノ症的傾向と労働状況・背景要因との関係
- テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第3報) : テクノ症的傾向とコンピュータ作業従事者の労働状況・背景要因との関係
- テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第2報) : テクノ症的傾向に伴う心理特性
- テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第1報) : テクノ症的傾向の検査尺度用の質問項目群の作成
- 1.テクノストレス症候群に関する研究(第1報)-検査尺度用項目群の作成(第60回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)