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There exists considerable literature on the Stress Polycythemia, but little work has been done to study its psychosomatic approach. Therefore, two cases of possible stress polycythemia were reported here from a psychosomatic point of view. The first case was a 55-year old male patient whose occupation was a professor of the department of technology. Patient's chief complaint was anguish feeling on heart. Short-run and VPC was found by Holter's ECG. Blood pressure was 130/60mmHg. Haematological counts were RBC : 620×10^4/mm^3,Ht : 54.0%, and Hb : 17.8g/dl. Microscopic findings of blood in bone-marrow were normal. Psychosomatic interview revealed that patient's character was tenacious, and he was under stress in that he had to conduct twice as many lectures and seminars than those scheduled one year before. In addition, his wife was suffering from anxiety neurosis, and his eldest daughter had been living an asocial life. The second case was a 34-year old male who was an office manager. Patient's chief complaints were insomnia, headache, biting sharp pain on both eyes. Blood pressure was 140/80mmHg. Haematological counts were RBC : 542×l0^4/mm3,Ht : 52.7%, and Hb : 17.4g/dl. Psychosomatic interview revealed that he was kept extremely busy working from early morning till midnight accompanied by poor eating behavior. Regarding his personality ; patient has been spirited and impatient since his childhood. Patient's tenacious personality with a Type A behavioral life pattern has been manifested in his workerholic life style. Furthermore patient has a tendency of being an alkoholic and heavy smoker. His stress situation involved continuous overwork, depression of his wife and death of his father. The common factors in these two cases of possible stress polycythemia can be summaized from the psychosomatic point of view as follows : 1) Patients were middle-aged men and top-managers of their business. 2) Patients have been tenacious in personality and under depressive state due to their workerholic life style. 3) Patients have been anxious because of neurotic diseases of their family members. 4) Antidepressants, anxiolytics and a psychosomatic approach were effective to them. On the basis of the course of haematological count as well as the clinical course, it was concluded that psychosomatic approach was essential for the treatment of stress polycythemia.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1988-08-01
- ID-10 上部消化内視鏡検査後に発症した急性胃粘膜病変の1例 : ストレスの観点から(消化器II)
- 16.上部消化管内視鏡検査後に発症した急性胃粘膜病変の1例 : ストレスの観点から(第34回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- IIB-9 保健室頻回来訪学生の研究(第23回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答)
- von Willebrand症候群があり, しかも心因が加味した慢性関節リウマチと思われた患者の絶食療法有効例(精神生理)
- II-C-29 わが体験, 不安定狭心症と入院前後(循環器II)
- 内科系救急車患者に対する心身医学的プライマリ・ケア(プライマリ・ケアと心身医学)
- 39.発病後15年経過した全身性強皮症(PSS)患者の簡易精神療法効果について(第20回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 発症後15年経過した全身性強皮症(PSS)患者の簡易精神療法効果について(治療(1))
- IIC-17 グループ絶食療法 : 過去4年間の施行例から(第23回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答)
- グループ絶食療法IV(絶食療法) : 過去4年間の施行例から
- B II-10 グループ絶食療法(III)その組合せと患者相互の心理的効果について(臨床心理)
- 6.動的家族描画法(KFD)の初回面接における有用性について(第26回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 内科一般(第28回日本心身医学会総会ポスターセッション及び一般口演座長まとめ)
- 21.心身医学的立場からみたストレス赤血球増加症の2例(第24回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- ストレス多血症と考えられる2症例の心身医学的考察
- II-EP-9 動的家族描画法(K-F-D)の初回面接における有用性について(ポスターセッション)
- II-E-5 ストレス赤血球増加症の2例(内科一般)
- うつ状態を前景とするストレス連繋症候群(仮称)について(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題 : 中年期(更年期))
- 2.うつ状態を前景とするストレス連係症候群(仮称)について(3.中年期(更年期))(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題)
- 2. 症例から学んだ心身医学的アプローチのあり方 : 絶食療法後効果の2症例から(第16回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- IC-13 グループ絶食療法V : とくに心因性めまい・耳鳴の奏効例について
- 心身医学立場からみた内科系救急車患者の実態
- 内科系救急車患者に対する心身医学的プライマリ・ケア(IIプライマリ・ケアと心身医学)
- 5.集団絶食療法の意義(第10回日本心身医学会東北地方部会演題抄録)
- B II-11 Sing a song behavior therapy(臨床心理)