- 論文の詳細を見る
The author tried to describe the occupational therapy for the neurotics (includingP.S.D.) and the psychotics who were admitted to the Hilltop Hospital during these four years. Hilltop Hospital is located on a hilltop in the suburbs of Tokyo. In order to perform "the complete open system" where the patients stay freely without any fear for personal restriction no bars are on any of the wards. The occupational therapy of the Hilltop Hospital consists of two parts-the recreational therapy and the so called "night hospital". The motto of our recreational therapy is "The Nature is the best teacher and the most excellent therapist for neurotics. Resolutions of inferiority complex, identity conflict and maladjustment are the goal of our recreational therapy through which the patients find the new ways of how to live with pleasure and to get "self-realization". The recreational therapy of our hospital is based on many new ideas by staff as well as from the patients.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1973-04-01
- 88)催眠療法における治癒とは?-追跡調査知見から-(治療)(第8回日本精神身体医学会総会)
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- 42)心身症の精神療法の研究
- 作業療法(心身医学における治療の実際と現状)
- 34)頑固な疼痛の固定とその心理的背景 : intensiveな精神療法により治癒せる一例の検討(感覚・運動系)(一般演題抄録・質疑応答)(第9回日本精神身体医学会総会)
- 34)成人の夜尿症の精神療法
- 46)精神神経科領域におけるCMIの研究(その1) : 身体面および精神面の自覚症状の分析をめぐって