ムギキカラバエに関する研究 : (予報)
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In the fall of 1955 the wheat stem fly, Chlorops sp., was discovered as a cereal pest in the coastal region of Akita Prefecture. Observations have been made on its morphology, bionomics and symptoms of attack on wheat. Results of investigations in 1956 and 1957 are summarized as follows. Short morphological descriptions in all stages of this pest were conducted. Besides this pest, the occurrences in the cereal fields and wild grasses of two other cereal pests, the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae MATSUMURA, and the barley stem maggot, Meromyza saltatrix L., were observed. The wheat stem fly is morphologically very similar to the rice stem maggot in the egg and adult stages and to the barley stem maggot in the pupal and larval stages. Under the microscope it is easy to distinguish each species in some stages, but rather difficult to do so in other stages. The wheat stem fly has two generations a year, overwintering as the full-grown larva which later pupates in the spring inside the stem of winter wheat. During the early part of May the first generation fly deposits its eggs singly on the upper surface of the winter wheat leaf in which young immature ear within the leaf sheath is enclosed. After hatching, the infant first instar larva makes its way in to the ear-bearing internode gnawing a food groove on one side as it moves downwards. Pupation occurs in this food groove in the middle of June, and the second generation fly emerges during the early part of July when the wheat ears are almost ripe. After emergence, the flies appear to disperse throughout the fields, later laying their eggs on newly germinated wheat seedlings during the latter part of September and until the middle of October. A period of aestivation (summer dormancy) was confirmed by rearing the flies under laboratory conditions when the following facts emerged : The life of some flies in the second generation is from two to three months ; the flies in the first generation lay their eggs within a few days of emergence whereas in the second generation the pre-oviposition period is much longer, and this delay in oviposition is caused by immature reproductive organs. As noted, the eggs are laid singly on the upper surface of wheat leaves, and the hatched larva crawls into the stem. Characteristic injured leaves on all main stems attacked are produced, the injury appearing first as pin-holes later becomes larger punctures as feeding continues. The injured leaves become broad and thick and all infested stems turn yellow, whither and die in the following spring when pupation occurs. During the aestivation period of the second generation flies no intermediate generation was observed in the field, although in the experiment a possible existence of the intermediate generation could be found in the following fact : All the hatched larvae inoculated before the middle of August onto out-of-season wheat seedlings pupated until the middle of September. While it was not demonstrated whether these pupae hibernated as such or a third generation fly would have emerged, due to death of pupae. Laboratory experiments verified that the maximum temperature for hatching is 30℃ and the minimum humidity is about 80 per cent. In the field, hatching is observed in the early morning, and the hatched larvae crawl a distance of about 1 cm on the leaf towards the apex, turn around and then crawl in zigzag fashion downwards to the leaf base, penetrating into the stem in this area. 40 to 120 minutes are required to enter the stem from the time of hatching, and it is observed that the larvae reached the centre of the stem near the growth point some 6 hours after penetrating has started. 24 hours after initial penetrating the larva begins to feed and the gut turns green. In the field, the total developmental period from egg to adult requires on the average 93 days in the first generation, and 270 days in the second or overwintering one. The main host crop is wheat, followed by rye, but no eggs we
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1958-09-01
- 132 高原地の大面積造成牧野におけるタマナヤガの異常発生(生態学, 昭和43年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 307. 東北地方のアカザモグリハナバエについて
- 308 岩手県におけるヨトウガの生活史 I. 第1世代のさなぎにみられる休眠性について(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- タマナギンウワバ幼虫の体色変異個体のキャベツ畑における発生状況と発生条件についての検討
- ムギキカラバエに関する研究 : (予報)
- 59 ムギキカラバエに関する研究II : 生活史(昭和33年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 58 ムギキカラバエに関する研究I : 形態, 特に主な近縁種との相違点について(昭和33年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- タマナヤガ, カブラヤガの卵, 幼虫期の発育と温度との関係(予報)
- 沖縄, 奄美, 九州および東シナ海におけるトビイロウンカ, セジロウンカの飛来の同時性
- 1974年梅雨期東シナ海におけるイネウンカ類の採集記録
- シロオビウンカのイネ縞枯病媒介ならびに発育生態
- シロオビウンカによるイネくろすじ萎縮病の媒介
- シロオビウンカによるイネ縞葉枯病の媒介について(予報)
- イネカラバエの生態型に関する2・3の観察 : イネカラバエの生態の地方的変異に関する研究 II
- イネカラバエの生態の地方的変異に関する研究 : I.2化地帯で経過した2化・3化地帯イネカラバエの生態的性質の違い