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It is well known that stress-induced physiological changes, such as gatrointestinal ulcers or essential hypertension, are innate reactions to chronic fear. But from the point of view of organic adaptation, any learning of the abersive situation that affects the strength or duration of the fear elicited may be expected to influence the physiological simptoms of stress. A psychological factor of this type of learning depends on whether or not the animal can "think" of a way to cope with the stress when the stressor arrives.The present study was conducted to determine the effects of coping response on chronic stress in the rat in a free-operant avoidance situation(R-S interval, 200 sec., S-S interval, 0.4 sec., shock intensity, 2.25 ma. mean) when measured by stomach lesions. The matched quartet design was employed. Each quartet consisted of an experimental animal (N=11) which could avoid or escape shocks by its flapper-pushing rsponse, a yoked animal (N=11) which received the same intensity and duration of shocks as the expeimental animal but which could not avoid or escape shocks, a nonshock control animal (N=11) which was never shocked throughout the experiment, and a home-cage control animal (N=11) which remained in his individual cage in the rat colony room. Avoidance-escape stress sessions lasting 23 hrs. followed by 1 hr. feeding-rest periods were repeated for 7 days. Flapper-pushing rate, body weight, and food and water intake were recorded daily. Gastric incidence was noted at the termination of the eight experimental day. Results of teh present study showed that the yoked group developed more severe gastric lesions than experimental, nonshock, or home-cage control group and also confirmed findings of previous acute stress experiments by indicating that subjects which could not control shock were more stressed than subjects which could. Through the ezperimental and yoked groups did not differ in body weight loss during the chronic stress session, both the nonshock and home-cage control groups differed significantly from the other two shocked grouls. The experimental group ate and drank somewhat more than the yoked group. The home-cage control group showed the most food an water intake, All experimental group subjects made more flapper pushes than in all matched yoked or nonshock subjects, as would be expected. Response rates were similar either eleven triplets.These results were predicted by Weiss' ulcer-prediction model which related ulceration to certain psychological (or behavioral) variables. Also an explanation for the atypical "exective" monkey pehnomenon was attained.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1977-04-01
- BII-8. ストレス後の行動と生化学的変化(実験生理)(第19回日本心身医学会総会抄録・質疑応答)
- BII-7. 種々の電撃予測条件のシロネズミの胃粘膜変化に及ぼす対処反応の効果(実験生理)(第19回日本心身医学会総会抄録・質疑応答)
- スモン病患者への末梢皮膚温バイオフィードバック訓練の1適用例
- 動物における外傷の対処不可能性と胃損傷の発生
- CI-6 シロネズミの胃損傷に及ぼすストレッサー予測可能性の効果(動物実験(2))(第18回日本心身医学会総会)
- 19.スモン病患者へ末梢皮膚温バイオフィードバックの1適用例(第15回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- シロネズミの慢性ストレスに及ぼす対応反応の効果
- 回避行動に関する最近の諸問題と諸学説
- B-14)シロネズミの慢性ストレスに対する対処反応の効果(第17回日本心身医学会総会)
- 動物における心理的ストレスと胃損傷の発生
- 電撃提示部位関数としてのシロネズミの胃損傷に及ぼす信号-電撃随伴確率の効果
- 末梢皮膚温のセルフコントロール(3) : フィードバックと教示セットの効果
- C-24) シロネズミのストレス病理に及ぼす心理的要因の影響(4)-対処反応の困難水準の効果(新しい課題)
- B-18) 手指皮膚温のセルフコントロールに関する研究(1) : フィードバックと教示による効果
- 末梢皮膚温のセルフコントロール(2) : コントロール能力と不安との関係
- ストレス性胃障害の発生に及ぼす反応-ショック間隔と薬物の効果(消化器の心身症)(一般演題抄録・質疑応答(A, B))(第15回日本精神身体医学会総会)
- バイオフィードバック療法(総説シリーズ/心身症の最近の治療方法)
- AI-15. 筋電図フィードバックによる皮膚温の変化(絶食療法・バイオフィードバック)(第19回日本心身医学会総会抄録・質疑応答)
- 心身症と学習効果
- 末梢皮膚温のセルフコントロール : フィードバックと教示の効果
- R.M. スターン, 他著・石川中, 他訳 バイオフィードバックとは何か : 心と身体の健康法A5版/210頁/2,200円/紀伊國屋書店(第24回日本心身医学会総会)(General Hospital Psychiatryと心療内科)
- CII-16 血圧の随意コントロールに関する実験的研究(1)(実験心理)(第18回日本心身医学会総会)
- 18.痙性斜頚へのEMGバイオフィードバックの1適用例(第15回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 内臓学習(Visceral Learning)に関する理論と実験
- BI-5. Shock-elicited jumping behaviorに及ぼす周囲環境変化の影響(神経化学)(第19回日本心身医学会総会抄録・質疑応答)