旧制中学校の内部過程における学業成績の実態に関する研究 : 山形県鶴岡中学校を事例として
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The aim of this paper is to clarify the difference in academic performance in secondary school before the war. dealing with the data of the Tsuruoka middle school in Yamagata prefecture. So far the studies of school education of that period have paid so little attention to academic performance that an attempt to elucidate its reality here can be of much significance. According to the documents retained in the school, we put every student's record into a database and made an analysis concerning academic achievement of each student. This analysis concerns those who were enrolled from 1911 to 1930. The analysis of some of their attributes led to the following results. First, the comparison of performance due to school career before the entrance showed a remarkable difference along with their career, in the case of the students who enrolled in the period of since 1911 to 1919. when various types of students from lower primary school (jinsho) to upper primary school (kosho) came together. However. it is not the case with those who entered in 1920 to 30. when majority of the students had graduated from "jinsho". Next, to investigate the difference due to family background, we compared and examined the performance in respect to former feudal position (zokuseki) and parents'occupation type, in either of which case no remarkable difference is observed. These results seem to imply that middle school then was free from the class-oriented tendency. At least it might be true that middle school admitting students through a certain entrance examination offered equal opporturity for each student to make the best of their ability regardless of their origin.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2000-03-15
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